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josie_hatter gracie wanted to wish me luck before going to see her daddy! can't wait to (officially) get married today!💗💍 #brosie❤️: 874,097(comments) 15,402

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josie_hatter gracie wanted to wish me luck before going to see her daddy! can't wait to (officially) get married today!💗💍 #brosie
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brendon held his daughter's little hand as they walked down the white aisle, heading towards the alter made out of a garden entrance and pink flowers. he had an anxious smile while 3-year-old grace skipped along side him.

"daddy, where's mommy?" she asked, looking at all the faces smiling at her.

"she'll be coming, gracie. just hang tight, okay?"

the little girl nodded as they reached the alter. brendon took his place on the right side, giving zack a nervous look.

today, he and josephine were having a formal wedding ceremony. legally, they were already married, but they wanted to have a celebration once their daughter was old enough. they chose late spring as the perfect time and selected a beautiful, green venue inside of napa valley as the perfect place to do it. their closest family and friends were all invited, and zack was going to minister the ceremony.

grace tugged on her father's hand, uncomfortable and missing her mother. she spent the day getting ready with brendon since josephine had lots more to do and there would be a larger number of people in the room. she hadn't seen her mother since ten o'clock when she was dropped off, and desperately wanted to hug her.

"grace, please stay still. mommy's gonna be here any minute, okay?" brendon reasoned, giving the girl a look.

"okay, sorry," she responded, but then spotted the eyes of her favorite uncle.

"hi, uncle zack!" she said excitedly, waiving with her free hand. zack laughed and waived back, then put a finger to his lips to shush her. grace nodded and stayed quiet.

the audience began to turn as isabell diego waltzed down the aisle with jake chamseddine on her arm. they parted ways at the alter, and isabell motioned for grace to stand by her.

"daddy, can i go by aunt izzy?" grace asked, giving her father a hopeful smile.

"go ahead. be good, okay?" he responded, kissing her cheek gently. grace nodded and skipped over next to her aunt.

all of the guests rose from their seats as the last of the bridesmaids took their places. brendon took a deep breath, knowing who would be coming next.

josephine hatter stepped onto the white aisle, her blushing face covered by a lace veil. she latched onto her brother's arm as he led her down the path. they reconciled after grace's birth, but josephine couldn't find it in her heart to forgive her parents. they weren't invited to the ceremony, but she asked her brother to escort her down the aisle.

brendon stepped closer as they reached their stopping point. he thanked lucas for bringing her down, then took the hands of his bride. josephine smiled and felt tears brewing in her dark eyes.

"hey there, you look so beautiful," brendon said, pushing back the part of the veil covering her face.

"just look at yourself, handsome," she responded, lightly squeezing his hand. brendon laughed and led her to their places on the alter.

"hi, mommy!" grace yelled, waiving excitedly at her mother.

"hi, gracie," josephine whispered back, shooting izzy a glare to quiet her down.

the ceremony continued peacefully without a dry eye in the audience. the bride and groom exchanged the sweetest vows, both of them making jokes about how social media brought them together in the first place. they referenced how they first met at an awards show of all places, taught each other so much about dealing with celebrity status, and eventually started a family.

after the vow exchange, everything started to wrap up since they were already legally married. the couple quickly exchanged rings, sealed their promises with a kiss, and hurried down the aisle to kick off their reception.

"mommy!" grace called, skipping over to her mother as she was taking pictures. josephine laughed and turned away from the camera to embrace her daughter.

"hey, gracie! you look so pretty! were you good for daddy all day?" josephine asked, lifting her off the ground.

"of course she was, she's always a good girl,"
brendon responded, walking over and ruffling the little girl's fawn hair.

"he promised me cake," she replied, resting her head on her mother's shoulder.

"you can have cake as long as you eat your dinner, alright? but aunt izzy can take you to see it, if you want. it's really big and pretty," josephine said, swaying with her daughter.

grace's face lit up as she hopped down, exclaiming, "okay! aunt izzy, c'mere!"

the girl skipped off, leaving her laughing parents alone for a second. brendon grabbed his wife's hand and spun her into his arms.

"hi, jojo," he said with a grin.

"hey there, what's up?"

"nothing much, just officially got married to the love of my life."

"exciting stuff," josephine replied, giggling.

"it is. it still feels like a dream."

"wake up, we have a whole night ahead of us."

"i'm trying! it's all too good to be true, i can't believe how far we've come."

josephine smiled, "instagram should give us a deal or something, we are their first married couple."

"i wish. i still love you though, josephine urie," brendon said with a laugh, kissing his bride on the cheek.

"love you even more, brendon urie."



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brendonurie ...and they lived happily ever after💘
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the end.

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