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real life

"want me to top you off, jo?" brendon urie asked, pulling the bottle of red wine out of his fridge.

"yes, please!" josephine hatter replied with a smile.

the couple was spending the night at brendon's house. they wanted to spend a night in rather than go out and face paparazzi. he promised drinks, pizza, and movies. she was very excited about that.

brendon poured the wine into josephine's glass until it hit the rim of the glass. she thanked him, grabbed the box of pizza, and walked into the living room.

"can i sit on the couch?"

"no, you can't. you have to sit on the floor like a caveman," brendon replied, stifling laughter.

"i hate when you're sarcastic," josephine said while taking a seat.

"nah, you love it."

"keep dreaming."

he smiled and sat next to josephine, setting his glass of whiskey on the coffee table and picking up the remote.

"what are we watching?"

"you can pick."

"shall we make up for last time?" brendon asked, searching through movies.

"whatcha mean?"

"i mean, wanna watch high society?"

josephine's face lit up, giving brendon an excited nod. high society is one of her favorite movies of all time, and she was trying her hardest to suppress her fangirl tendencies at the moment.

brendon laughed as he saw the bright smile grow on his girlfriend's face. he would do anything to keep her glowing like that. anything.

he started to play the iconic movie as josephine kicked her adidas off and pulled her feet onto the couch. she smiled and watched the opening credits. brendon wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her tight into his chest.

brendon admired the way josephine laughed at the scene when tracy met macaulay and elizabeth. it was pure 1950's humor-nothing kids would laugh at today-but josephine always found small things like that funny.

"gosh, would you look at sinatra's blue eyes? i would kill to have those," she commented, sipping on her wine.

brendon chuckled, "i know, they're striking. it's why i got this tattoo, doll."

she smiled and looked at the portrait inked on his arm for a second, before exchanging a happy glance with brendon and turning her attention back to the movie.

"i love her dress. isn't it pretty? the blue and the tulle? she's like cinderella," josephine said again.

"you sure talk a lot during movies, huh?"

"actually, i don't. it must be the wine."

"do i need to cut you off?"

"no!! no please don't, it tastes so good," she begged, giggling.

"alright, fine. but please limit the commentary, okay?" brendon asked, getting a nod in response.

they continued on with the movie, only with the occasional giggle and whisper of "i love you, grace kelly," from josephine. brendon found it hard to hide a smile during what a swell party, considering it's frank sinatra and his girlfriend mouthed every single word.

"look at him with the martini. what an icon."

"no commentary, mr. disco," she said with a laugh, covering his mouth with her hand. he rolled his eyes and pushed her hand away, taking a sip from his beer.

"i'll do what i want, jojo."

"could you imagine being like them? bonding over being in love with the same girl?" she said, completely changing the topic.

"it's more common than you think."

"it's also very understandable. i mean, it's grace freaking kelly. i would date her in a heartbeat."

"hey! what about me?" brendon asked, pretending to be offended.

"you become a world-renowned singer and actress and marry a prince, then we'll talk."

"she married a prince?"

"duh! she's princess grace! she's literally everything i ever wanna be!"

brendon listened with a smile as josephine carried on about how amazing grace kelly is. soon enough, they forgot the movie was even playing. they finished a bottle of wine instead and started to talk about their idols.

"i'm telling you, i would name my first kid grace. not only is it a timeless, elegant name, she'd be named after one of the most iconic actresses of the 20th century."

"so you're saying that our baby's gonna be named grace?" he asked.

josephine gave him a confused look, "what baby?"

he shrugged, "i don't know. our future baby?"

"you want kids? mr. big-bad-whiskey-drinking-cigarette-smoking brendon urie wants to have children?"

"uh, sure i guess. i don't know. i'm drunk."

"me too!!" josephine exclaimed, getting a laugh out of her boyfriend.

"well if we have kids, we can name the girl grace."

"yay! thank you!! you can pick the boy's name, deal?"


she nodded and turned to the television, but was met with the ending credits. she frowned a little bit, disappointed that she missed the ending of the movie.

"hey, don't be sad. you've seen it a billion times."

"i know, but the end is so good-wait look! there's princess grace's name!!"

brendon laughed, "and there's sinatra."

"ooh, i like the name sinatra."

"well, is that the boy name?" he asked, nudging her shoulder.

"isn't it a little odd?"

"nah, it's original."

josephine cracked a smile, "fine. grace and sinatra."

"sounds good."

"i also love how we're talking about kids after dating for a cumulative three months."

"yeahhh, but i really love you," brendon said, kissing the top of her head.

josephine smiled and moved closer into his chest, replying, "i really love you, too."

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