Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

A car horn blared so loudly, I jumped out of my skin and recoiled back onto the pavement. I felt the suction from the bus hurtling past and then a strong gush of wind that blew me backwards.

I stood there stunned.

I wiped my wet hair from my face and as I focused, I saw a black car parked up over the other side of the road. I stared at it in a daze. Slowly one of the black tinted windows rolled down.

"Jesus girl, you nearly got squished!"

Niall's head popped out of the window, followed by Liam, Zayn and Louis. They looked so comical all of them poking their heads out of the small window space that in spite of everything that had just happened, I felt the urge to laugh.

The car did a U-turn in the road and pulled up in front of me. I must have looked like an idiot, standing there still in shock, drenched to the bone, staring at the four smiling faces in the back of the car.

"Well, I've seen ye look better," Niall grinned.

"Come on; get in out of the rain." Liam opened the car door and the boys budged up on the seats to make room."

Still in a state of confusion, water dripping off the end of my nose, I climbed in and sat back on the leather seat. Liam closed the door and the car gently pulled away.

Zayn was sitting opposite me. "Vass happening? You Ok?"

"I'm not sure," I whispered.

"Great timing!" Niall grinned. "We weren't sure when you finished work so we were just going to wait for you to come out. But there you we were!"

"I don't underst...."

Louis patted my leg. "Don't worry; we'll get you sorted out. You're about a size 8 aren't you?"


"In clothes. Size 8?"

I ran my fingers through my soaked hair. This was totally surreal. "Um...yes, size 8."

"Yay!" Liam punched the air in triumph. I told you, she's about the same as my ex, Sarah.

Louis frowned at him. "Yes, but Sarah had massive boobs so I was thinking Amber would probably be a size 6."

Zayn chipped in. "Don't think it makes any difference to the dress size even if you've got massive boobs."

"I told you that," Liam nodded. "It goes more on the hip size."

"Oh my God, this is insane! What are you talking about?"

Louis squeezed my hand. "It's ok, we're going to get you all sorted out."

"Where are we going?" I asked weakly.

"To Claridges. We're staying there. We've got the executive suite so you can have a nice, hot shower and..."

"I don't understand."

"It's a surprise," Zayn winked at me. "Just trust us, ok?"

I wiped the soaking wet hair from my face. "Ok."

The car pulled up in front of the hotel and a concierge opened the door. When I stepped out of the car, he saw my dishevelled state and frowned."

Liam turned to him and took my hand. "Just rescuing this pretty little drowned rat!"

The lift rose all the way up to the top floor and when the doors opened, I gasped at the huge open plan apartment in front of me. I'd never seen a place like it.

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