Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

We sat there in the dark. The small patch of light coming in through the wire mesh around the side of the cage was silhouetting Harry's face and his unruly curls.


Ok, like this wasn't awkward at all. Say something Amber. Anything.

"Weather's held." Oh God. Anything except that!

"Mmmm. Really nice for this this time of year." We both smiled. He got my sense of humour, I liked that.


Harry started drumming his fingers on his legs and I looked around like I was generally admiring the scenery but there's not really much of interest to look at in a small, dark box so I just looked like an idiot.

I had to break the tension. I opened my mouth to say something but Harry got there first.

"So. Do you come here often?"

"Yes, I love it here. I was thinking about putting some posters up on the walls, a few ornaments..."

"A little plant in the corner?"

"Mmmmm, that would work."


This was so excruciatingly awkward. I needed to explain about the other day. It was crying out to be said.

"Look, about the other day..."

That was all I managed. Suddenly the lift cranked into life and we started to ascend. I jumped and grabbed hold of Harry's leg as there was nothing else to hold onto.

"Oh my days! Health and safety!"

As we climbed upwards towards the stage, I felt a pang of disappointment that I hadn't managed to explain things properly, I wanted to tell him why I'd shouted at him, why I'd cried but now it looked like I was never going to the get the chance.

Then all of a sudden, the lift shuddered to a halt.


"What's going on?" I sounded a bit panicked. If the truth be known I was ever so slightly claustrophobic ever since my since my sister had wrapped me up like a sausage roll in one of my Mum's massive curtains when I was six.

"The lift's stuck."

"Great deduction Holmes."

Harry smiled. "You're funny. I'll call the boys and find out what's happened. He pressed a few buttons and put the phone to his ear."

"Louis? What happened?"

I heard Louis voice distant on the other end.

"mmm hmm...aha...ok...aha...right...ok." he ended the call and made a face.

"What happened?"

"The lift's stuck."

We both cracked up laughing and the tension lifted. Ice broken! I pondered the thought. I'm stuck in a lift with Harry Styles. Guess I could think of worse places to be.

"They're going to try and find the tekkie guy but Kevin thinks he might be on his lunch so he said just hang tight and they'll get it sorted."

"oh....kay then." I said in a sing song voice to try and hide the fact that I was feeling a little bit panicked. I think Harry must have sensed it though because he suddenly chipped in with.

"Ok." He started to think.

"Are we having a game of 'would you rather?' I asked rather stupidly.

Harry Styles Ate My Hamster (One Direction fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now