Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

The second I walked through the office doors the following morning I was pounced on by Jess and Claire.

"How was it?"

"Oh my God, how was it though?"

"Were they even more gorgeous in real life?"

"Were they though?"

I threw my bag onto my desk, turned and paused for a second, then jumped up and down like an idiot.

"I saw Zayn, Louis and Liam in their boxer shorts!"

Claire turned to Rory, "She saw them nearly in the nuddy though!"

Rory peered over his glasses and mimicked Claire. "Yeah but am I bovvered though?"


Jess tugged at my sleeve. "Did you talk to Nialler? I love him so much!"

"Did you talk to Louis innit?"

I laughed. "Yes! I talked to them all and they were super fit, all of them.

Jess gave an excited little squeak. "I can't believe you got to spend a whole day with them!"

Brooke came through the main office door and I stopped jumping up and down, suddenly conscious that it was supposed to be her assignment. I didn't want to rub it in, she'd felt bad enough. But she was smiling and when she saw the excitement on the girls faces, she came over and joined in.

She gave me a big smile and touched my arm warmly. "I'm pleased it went well. Was Harry lush?"

"Was he though?" Claire was staring at me with her mouth open like she was catching flies.

The image of Harry standing in the doorway in his coat and scarf sprang into my mind, that smile that made my knees go all weak. I thought back to the two of us laughing in the lift and pictured him standing in front of me, looking into my eyes hopefully. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, he was," I said as cheerfully as I could manage. God, he really, really was.

Brooke sprang into action. "Come on, I'll help you get it all written up and ready to go to press."

"Cool. Thanks Brooke."

I fired up my computer. Brooke pulled up a chair beside me and sat down.

"Ooh! We forgot to tell you the other day; the whole office is going out to Planet Hollywood for lunch today. It's Max's birthday. Well, I say the whole office, I mean everyone except Rory who said he'd rather stick pins in his eyes.

I looked at her in surprise. "'Planet Hollywood'? That's a very um...happy a place to take Max. Will he like it there?"

"No. he'll hate every second of it, that's why we booked it. But we'll have a great time!"

"That's so funny! Max would probably have preferred a trip to the Samaritans!" We both cracked up laughing. "Yep, count me in. It'll be good to meet all the guys I haven't had a chance to talk to yet."

I finished writing the article and looked over it. Not bad Amber. Not bad at all. In fact, you've done a bloody great job of it girl!

Everyone was gearing up to go out to lunch so I decided to leave the finishing touches until I got back and clicked 'save'. I grabbed my bag and as I took my phone out, it beeped with a message.

When I opened it, my heart went into my mouth. It was Josh.

"Hey hun. Need to speak to you urgently. Can we meet for lunch? J."

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