Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

On the tube journey up to Camden, I decided on my plan. This consisted of totally pretending that my ‘episode’ at the press conference the other day hadn’t actually happened at all. I figured it was a good plan and probably the only one that would work in the circumstances.

I studied my reflection in the window of the tube and practised my bestest confident face.

Mmm, bit too serious maybe. I turned the corners of my mouth up ever so slightly into what I was hoping would look like a warm, professional smile, but in fact was more of slightly constipated grimace. I showed my teeth just a tiny bit. Better? Nope, that made me look like I’d just killed someone and disposed of the body.

I noticed that the two girls opposite me were watching my facial expression experiment so I stopped doing it and turned away from the window.

Sitting back, my thoughts turned to yesterday and I shuddered, remembering the e mail. I hadn’t slept much last night; it had really freaked me out. ‘A friend’. Who’d sent it? Jess? Brooke? Or maybe it was someone outside of work. And why were they telling me to watch my back? It was all a bit sinister and it made me feel really uncomfortable. Why would anyone be out to get me?

Stop it Amber, don’t think about it now. I tried to block it out of my mind and felt really relieved I wasn’t in the office today.

I got off the tube at Camden Town and walked up Chalk Farm road towards the Roundhouse.

Following the map I’d been e mailed through yesterday, I walked down the side of the huge brick building and in through the entrance marked ‘Stage Door’.

There was a guy sat behind a desk at a window. He looked like a student, he was in black jeans and a black t-shirt and he had the largest amount of facial piercings I’d ever seen. He looked bored.

I went up to the window. “Hi, I’m supposed to be meeting Tom at 9am. I’m here for the ‘One Direction’ interview.”

The guy looked at me blankly and shook his head slowly.


I stared at him for a second while I registered his comment. Jesus! What was it with people being generally rude these days? As if I didn’t have enough of it all day in the office from Max and Rory.

Well it was 8.45 in the morning, I was totally hyped up into my strong, confident mode and as such I wasn’t in the mood for his total lack of customer service and basic manners.

“Look,” I snapped. “If I’ve come to the wrong entrance then all you need to say is that I’ve come to the wrong entrance and direct me where I need to go. There is absolutely no need to be rude to me. You are the first point of contact for visitors and I find your attitude a total disgrace to be honest!

“No. Thick,” he repeated. “Tom went thick.” He paused. “I have a lithp.”

I stood there, mortified. Well done Amber, best start to the day ever, you’ve just shouted at someone because they have a speech impediment.

“I’m so sorry,” I cringed. “I didn’t realise you… I thought you were calling me th..”

Hearing a big, hearty laugh behind me, I turned round and saw a really good looking blonde boy that I recognised from the press call as Niall. He came striding over towards me.

He looked casual and very ‘boy next door’ in a pair of jeans, a hoodie and a hat that was pulled down so that just a few strands of his sun-kissed hair were showing.

Harry Styles Ate My Hamster (One Direction fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now