Ch 11: Lashing Out // The Attempts at Finding Answers

Start from the beginning

UN raised an eyebrow, "Protests? I'm sure I would've heard of those- and yet I haven't."

America had to think quickly. Something to distract UN, something to distract UN- aha! "Ok, ok, it's updog." America blurted out.

Give the poor American a break, it's the best he can do on the spot.

UN pressed, "Stop dodging the question, America."

'Dang it, he knows about Updog,' America thought.

"What is wrong? I'm sure I could help-"

America snapped, his fake smile disappearing from his face, "No. No, you can't. You can't fix something like this. You can't just plaster flex tape on it and expect things to be ok! UN, you don't have the slightest idea of what I'm going through. Heck, you don't even know what it's like to feel split at the seams- twice! You don't know what it's like to see your children hurt-"

UN raised his eyebrow at that, completely unfazed by America's outburst and instead focusing on something specific America said. Children? Does America even have children? UN was pretty sure America didn't have children. I guess this means it's time for UN to check the records. Again.

America had stopped talking, realizing what he just said. He calmed down and once again faked a smile, "Nothing is wrong with me, I'm just a bit distracted. Just... leave me be, ok?" With that, America started walking away.

"Wait!" UN called out, but America had already walked straight out of the room. There's no way that outburst was nothing.

"Do you believe me now? Something is wrong with America," UN jumped at the sound of the familiar voice and turned to see Russia looking at where America had been a few moments ago. So it was Russia who nearly gave UN a heart attack.

"You were listening to our conversation?"

"It isn't that hard to do when America's yelling his heart out."

UN sat down on a chair next to him, "Yeah, something is definitely wrong, but he won't admit what." He paused, and then looked at Russia, "Why do you care so much anyway? I thought you two hate each other."

"Hated. We agreed to start fresh yesterday."

UN looked up in surprise, "Really?" UN smiled wide, "That's great! I'm glad you two have made up! I'm so proud-" UN suddenly cut himself off and cleared his throat, a little embarrassed, "Anyway, back to the topic at hand. I know this is a bit much to ask, but could you help me figure out what's wrong with him?"

Russia snorted, choosing not to address UN's proud parent moment. "You sound just like France."

"I sound... just like France?"

"Yeah, she asked me the same thing yesterday."

UN nodded, "Then how about this- me, you, and France all work together to figure out what's wrong with America. I know it may sound a bit extreme, but America could be hiding something big."

"Wow, are you France in disguise or something?" Russia muttered under his breath.

"What did you say?" UN asked, looking straight at Russia.


UN gave Russia a questioning look before shaking his head, "Better not be pulling an America on me."

"I'm not," Russia stated, chuckling lightly. "Well then, a bigger team has been formed. I'll have to tell France that you're helping us."

UN nodded, "Of course, go ahead and do that."

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