"Then bloody find it Khanna." I said controlling my tone.

"Sir, we are trying to open it. And it's gonna take a few minutes."

"Make it quick. Break that stupid locker." I said frustrated.

"Okay sir, We will do that." Khanna said disconnecting the call.

God, how am I supposed to stop this wedding till then. I stood in the alter praying for God when I saw Rudra entering the Venue carrying Ved, who was dressed in a little blue suit with a bow tie, his hair was neatly gelled up into a upward spike. Bhavya was also seen following him behind. Ved began to smile at everyone while they were looking at him in aww, He is a charmer. All the guests began to look at him in adoration like he was the cutest thing in the world. He began to get along with the guests without fussing, I smiled looking at the scene. It made me feel proud for some odd reason!

My mom noticed Ved and ran to carry him.

"Thanks for coming Rudra." My mom said, " Aww... Ved, you are looking handsome." My mom said taking him in her arms. My mom kept talking about Ved all the day yesterday like he had casted some spell on her.

"He will look handsome, His uncle got him ready today. " Rudra said proudly and Bhavya rolled her eyes.

"You really are good with kids, Rudra." My mom said patting him.

"Thanks you, Mam." He said.

"Call me Jhanvi Aunty like Omkara's cousins." My mom said bouncing Ved in her arms.

"Call the bride." Pandit ji said from beside me. I took my phone and messaged Khanna and he told the technician is trying to open the locker which will take a few minutes.

Ridhimma made an entry dressed in a heavy bridal lehenga and make up coating her face. I prayed the God to show me a way, Ridhimma has arrived and I will be getting married in a few minutes. I called Mishra and asked him to keep my car ready at the back door of the resort. Ridhimma was walking towards the alter and the photographers were clicking their cameras while Ridhimma's friends and cousins are posing for the photos. While I stood beside her silently.

My mom walked towards us carrying Ved in her arms.

"Wow, Ridhimma. You are looking beautiful." My mom said smiling.

"Thank you, Aunty." Ridhimma said blushing. "Who's the kid in your arms, Aunty? " She asked.

"This cutie pie is Ved, the resort owner's nephew." My mom said tickling Ved, making him laugh.

"Oh.. " Ridhimma said faking a smile.

"Ridhimma, why don't you and Omkara pose for a photo with this cute guy here. I wanted to see what it will look like when you will have kids in the future." My mom said giving Ved for Ridhimma to hold.

"Oh, sure, Aunty." Ridhimma said blushing.

Believe me, my mom knows all the ways to piss me off. I mean I am here trying to escape from this marriage and my mom was already thinking about kids.

My mom gave Ved for Ridhimma to hold but clearly the little guy didn't liked Ridhimma, he began to wiggle in her arms much to everyone's surprise. Ridhimma was trying hard to handle him and pose for the camera as he began to pull her hair with his little hands. Ridhimma was controlling her anger by faking a smile and then suddenly a big scream was heard.

"Ewww.... This baby peed on my designer lehenga!!!" Ridhimma screamed looking at Ved furiously. I had a hard time to control my laugh looking at Ridhimma's face.

"You stupid boy, don't you have manners to pee on others dresses." Ridhimma shouted making Ved cry.
My mom was clearly upset with Ridhimma's behavior. She immediately took a crying Ved into her arms from Ridhimma.

"Ridhimma, he is a baby. He didn't did it intentionally." My mom said clearly upset.

"He spoiled my designer lehenga, now it takes me another half an hour to get ready." Ridhimma said furiously and walked out of the alter towards her room.

Thank God, this baby is really sent by God to rescue me. I hope Khanna finds the clues against Malhotra's by that time.

"What happened? Why is Ved crying?" Rudra asked coming near Ved with Bhavya.

"This cutie pie peed on Ridhimma's lehenga." My dad said smiling at Ved.

Bhavya looked at Rudra in accusation.

"I swear this is the first time, I forgot to put on his diaper or else I am good at everything." Rudra said to Bhavya.

"It's okay, Rudra. I will change his diaper." My mom said cooing Ved.

"It's okay, aunty. I will change him, clearly he wants his clothes also to be changed." Rudra said taking Ved in his arms and walking towards his office.

Ved looked at me from Rudra's shoulder smiling.

Playful Love (FanFic Version) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें