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(Aizawas POV)

After the second lesson of the day, I travelled to the principals office. He wanted to talk to me about Izuku, of course. When I made it to his office, I knocked on the door. He opened it and let me in with a smile. I went and sat down.

'How are you today Aizawa?' He asked.
'I'm doing well thank you, how are you..' I replied.
'I am well.' He sat down in his chair and poured me a cup of tea.
'I watched that lesson there.. it was quite interesting.' He said.
'Is that so..' I replied.

'Yes, I decided he was a villain that could be changed, due to how his mother brought him up..'
I nodded. The principals dedication to educating goes as far as assessing villains, especially young ones, and wondering if they could be put on the right path with some work. (That's a true fact about the principal :))

'He has exceptional skills. When I saw him run I thought he had a quirk... but a strong quirkless boy is definitely a good addition to our school, adding to the diversity. I was very happy when you called me about a villain that could change, and do better for the hero's..' Nezu said.

'Yes.. I could see it in his eyes, that he wasn't happy where he was... and I knew he could change, because of how he mourned at the death of his mother. He's a bit of a broken child..' I implied.
'Yes yes, but if we can help him, he will do well for the world.' He said.

'You don't think he will become a traitor?' I asked.
'Hm? Nope. He will definitely think he belongs with the villain, but.. I believe the league will want him to kill someone he won't want to, that's where he will truely break...' Nezu said in a serious tone.
'What does that mean?' I asked.

'Oh, it's just a hunch.' He smiled.
'So, are you happy with his abilities?' I asked.
'Absolutely.. and I'm sure he can get even more powerful..' He said.
'I was surprised when you suggested I should foster him, though... I am the most unqualified person to do that.' I said.
'I think he will soften your bad temper actually, it'll be good for you to take care of someone..' Nezu said.

I took a sip from the tea, then covered my mouth quickly.
'What's wrong?' He asked.

I threw up in my mouth then swallowed it.
'I feel sick?' I questioned.
'Do you think you caught a bug?' He asked.
I thought for a moment.
'No. He poisoned me..' I remembered.
'Huh?' Nezu questioned.
'Well, this morning Izuku said he poisoned my breakfast.. except he said I wouldn't die..' I said.

Nezu chuckled.
'That's funny, you have fun with that then.' He said.
I stood up, bowed then ran to the restrooms.
After throwing up, I ran to the classroom. Surely enough, he was sitting at his table eating lunch.

I walked up to him and slammed my hands on his desk.
'You're grounded.' I muttered.
He looked at me and smirked, then flicked a pill into my mouth.
'There's the antidote, I made you lunch.. you shouldn't be rude to your little son.. got eat up.' he teased.

I swallowed the pill and stormed off.
'Just kidding! That was a laxative pill! Have fun!' He yelled.
I turned around and glared at him.
'I will get you back later.' I mouthed the word 'little villain' to him, he just waved as I ran off.

(Midoriyas POV)

I continued eating the lunch I made. Todoroki walked over to my table.
'Midoriya... are you.. Aizawas secret love child or something?' He asked.
I almost spat out my food.
'Nope! Definitely not.. he's fostering me, don't tell anyone though.' I said.

'Oh, okay... I'm sorry..' he said.
Luckily we were the only ones in class. Everyone went to the cafeteria.
'It's fine..' I said.
'Deku.' Said a familiar voice.
I looked over at the door, it was Momo.

'I need to talk to you..' she said.
I stood up and waved to todoroki then went to Momo. She walked off to a secluded area, I followed.
'Well? Are you going to kill me now because I'm a villain?' I smirked.
'No... you saved my little brother. Your a hero not a villain. I heard you have mental problems, right? That's why you've killed people.' She said.

I frowned.
'I kill hero's, because they ruined my life. All might crushed my hopes and dreams, someone other hero crushed my mother.' I smirked, but with tears in my eyes.
'So, why does the hero get to walk free, and not the villain? A murderer, compared to a hostage situation, doesn't add up to me.' My voice trembled.

She gave me a sympathetic look. I wiped my eyes with my sleeves.
'Look... I'm not the kind of person who can be a hero, I'm weak.. and I'm quirkless.' I said.
'Your strong, everyone saw it. Your strength is ridiculous...'
'I worked hard. Doesn't matter anymore, I have nothing to live for. My mum is gone.' I said.

I walked off, she didn't stop me. Failure. You let your mum die, now look at you. In a hero school. Kill yourself. I covered my ears and walked back into the classroom. One more lesson. One more. One.

The bell eventually went. But I kept seeing things, I was distracted. My hands were sweating profusely, and my heart was beating out of my chest. I felt sick. I didn't want to think about my mother again. But she was stuck in my head. And she was dead. And it was all my fault.

Failure. Failure.


(I know I said I wouldn't do trigger warnings, but this is the first kinda big thing in a couple chapters, so SH/suicide warning)

The day ended slowly, but the bell finally rung. Everyone was packing up. I put my stuff in my bag, then swung it over my shoulder. I walked down the stairs and out of the school. Luckily Aizawa lives close to school. I rushed home, the voices would not stop.

I got to the door of his house and fumbled around in my bag trying to find the spare house key. I eventually found it and unlocked the door. It was quiet. Everything went quiet. It made me even more scared. I saw a shadow out of the corner of my eye, and I looked over quickly. It was the main voice, the big me, and it had a big smirk wiped across its face.

'Hello~' it said.
I fell down and started scrambling away, but I only made it to the wall.
'Why are you running away?' It questioned.
The smaller child version of me appeared next to me.
'Kill yourself...' it cried.

'Don't be stupid!' The older one yelled.
I tore my blazer off and threw it on the floor. If I cut, they will go away, right? I made the knife come into my hand, then I pulled the bandages off my arm.
'Stop it!' 'Do it! Hurry!' 'No!'
I sliced the knife across my wrist, it was sharp, and the wound was deep. Blood began to spill out, onto the floor.

'Enough!' 'Not enough! Failure, you must atone for your sins!' 'Yes, by killing more hero's!' 'By dying! Because you killed mummy!' 'Kill!' 'Mummy!'
I hadn't noticed, but I'd cut myself so much more, and they were all so deep. I think one has hit an artery or vein, and it hurt like hell.

'More! Atone atone! You're still alive.' 'Shut up little one. Go kill!' 'Failure!'
I dropped the knife and dug my fingers into my head. It was so loud. So many noises. So much pain. I hated it.

'Midoriya!' I heard a scream.
My eyes darted towards the noise, it was Aizawa at the door. 'Kill! Kill him!'
The shadows disappeared, but the voices didn't.
He ran over to me and picked me up, he laid me on the couch then wrapped my arm up tight, he called Someone. I cried, then everything went cold and dark.

Insane- A villain that can change (villain Deku/Dadzawa [BNHA]Where stories live. Discover now