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(Dekus POV)

I laid on the bed then pulled the blanket over my head. I felt like absolute shit. I'm dehydrated, I haven't drunk water for two days now. Maybe I'll ask that butler guy for some. Someone shook me, I flinched and took the blanket off my face.

It was the butler guy. He gave me a glass of water and a pill, I took a sip of the water, then threw the pill in my mouth and swallowed it. I drank the rest of the water, then put the glass on the bedside table.
'Thanks...' I muttered.

'Open your mouth for me...' he said.
'Huh? Why?' I asked.
'So I can check your temperature.' He said.
I opened my mouth a little, he put a thermometer in and pressed a button.
'Oh, it says you have a fever of 39°c.' He said.

He had a new towel, which he made wet with his quirk. He sat it on my head. It felt nice, and cool. It reminded me of mum. She would always sit next to me, and care for me when I had a fever. The butler held my wrist and pressed down on it. Kill him. Kill them. The voice in my head called.

I opened my eyes wide, in a shock. The voice scared me.
'What's wrong? Your heart rate suddenly increased... his something hurting?' He asked.
'No it's.. just a voice in my head or something.. just a hallucination..' I whispered.
Shut up!! What are you saying? The voice called.

'Do you have a mental illness?' He asked, staring at the purple/pink scars on my wrist, that I had given myself in attempt to die.
I covered my wrist and shook my head.
'I'm fine. Stop prying into my business.' I sternly implied.
'Hmm.' He butler said in disbelief.

I pulled the blanket over my head and sunk into the bed, letting my guard down a bit. I felt the butler get up and leave, quietly closing the door behind himself.

I wanted to sleep, but I know I shouldn't. What if they do something to me? I don't know if I can trust them. But, before I could think much more, I fell into a deep sleep.

(Butlers POV)

When I left, I picked up his dagger of the bedside table. I walked to the butlers bathroom and studied it. It was an electric blue, with a black handle. Looked rather expensive, but where did he get it?

He used it well too. I barely saw his hand move when he put it to my neck. I wonder if he's done martial arts. The blade is sharp too, as if it's barely been used. Is this what caused that cut in his neck? Maybe he stole it. I have so many questions.

I slipped the dagger into the inside of my blazer pocket, then walked off to the kitchen. Lady Momo and the chefs were making a soup. Momo saw me, then ran up to me.
'How is he?' She asked.
'He's resting, high fever...' I said.
'Did you hear what Suzushi said Deku did for him?' She asked.

I shook my head.
'He gave Suzushi the last of his water last night, then used all of his money to buy him food this morning, and when it started raining he gave him his jumper. Suzu said Deku lives in the middle of the forest in an old house, all alone... do you think Deku is homeless?' She said.
'I don't think so... he sounds like a nice kid.' I said.

Even more heroic than I originally thought. But, he's such a peculiar boy.


(Dekus POV)

I heard a clicking noise in my ear, it woke me up. But, when I looked around, there was nothing. But something kept clicking. I saw a shadow on the end of the bed and quickly swung my head towards it. It was the voice from my dream, the other me.

I looked down next to him, there was a much smaller version of it, like a child. Me as a child. The child walked up to me and held its hands on my face. I stared into its hollow eyes.
'You killed someone, failure.' The child said.
'Oh shut up little one. This is his destiny.' The other one said.

'They're going to find you now. Failure.' The child said.
The clicking sound got faster, and louder. Then I could hear whispers, saying 'failure'. It made my head spin.
'Shut up. Shut up. Shut up!' I yelled.

I dug my fingers into my head.
'We will never stop.' It said.
I was hyperventilating, I felt like I would pass out. The door to the room bursted open, and I immediately looked towards the distraction. It was the butler. He was holding a bowl of soup.

'What's wrong?' He said.
'Don't tell him.' The voice said. I looked at the voice.
'He's here to get you.' The other one said.
I stared at the voices. The butler looked at them, then at me. Then he walked up to me, putting the soup down in the bedside table. And he hugged me.
'It's ok...' he whispered.

'It's ok, calm down...' he said again.
The clicking stopped and the voices stopped, the hallucinations disappeared.
'My dagger... you took it... where is it..' I mumbled.
He let go and stood up.
'Why, do you need it for something?' The butler said.

I nodded. 'It's very important to me.'
'Oh, okay..' the butler said. He took the dagger out of his blazer pocket and handed it to me. I took it and stared at it. Cut failure. Cut. I heard the child voice call. I got up and walked to the bathroom. The butler stared at me. But, I closed the door and locked it. The clicking sounded again.

Giggles and whispers echoed through my head. Hurry! The child called. I held the blade to my wrist and sliced. I did a few, not really realising that I was doing it. I could only hear the voices, and the clicking. But then it all disappeared.

There was banging on the door.
'Deku! What are you doing in there come out!' The butler yelled.
I let out a sigh then unlocked and opened up the door. Slightly.
'What?' I asked.

He shoved the door open and gasped, grabbing my hand.
'When you said it was important I did not think you meant doing this!' He yelled.
He dragged me over to the sink and began washing my wrist under the water.
'Itee...' I mumbled.

'Do you see a doctor about this? Or psychologist?' He asked.
I shook my head. 'Don't worry I'll leave this place very soon...'
'I don't think you should. Or, at least come stay with me.' He said.
'I can stay at my own home..' I argued.

'You live alone in the woods, don't you?' He stated.
'How'd ya know?' I asked.
'Suzushi told us..' he answered.
'Ahh, I see. Well, too bad I'll have to leave here anyway. I don't want to burden anyone.' I said.
'How could you say that?' He said, turning to look at me.

I looked up at him, with my faded, emerald eyes.
'Quirkless aren't part of a society. They are strays, torn down, hated, until they begin to wither and die. They're outcasts. No one wants people like me around. I'm a failure.' I said, patting him on the shoulder.

And before he could say anything, I left the bathroom and went to the bed.

Insane- A villain that can change (villain Deku/Dadzawa [BNHA]Where stories live. Discover now