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(Butlers POV)

'I have..' The young green haired boy mumbled.

His eyes stared lifelessly towards me. Even though there was no colour in his face, he looked as if he were desperately trying to ask for help. As if he were trapped inside of himself.

He looked as though the slightest little touch would break him. But he had committed a crime.

'You, have?' I asked.
He just nodded. And turned away from me.
'You're gonna call the police aren't you...' he mumbled.
I looked towards my phone, then typed in the polices number.
'Yes, I am.. but I won't let them send you to prison, I'll get them to send you to a hospital... so you can heal your mind.' I pressed call, then held it up to my ear.

'You're saying I'm crazy, then.' He said.
'Yes. Yes I am.' I said.


The police took him away, but I told them everything. I told them he was mentally unstable, he's had suicidal thoughts and self harm problems. I told them he was being controlled by 'voices' and he should go to a hospital. They agreed.

But, he doesnt know his mother is dead. And I feel like that news would break him.

(Midoriya's POV)

And here I am. Handcuffed in the back of a police car. I didn't think I'd so easily get caught, my head is still pounding. I don't know what the police were told, but instead of acting angry and scary, they're being kind and comforting. I don't like it.

When I looked out the window, I saw the hospital. We were turning into it. Why am I not going to the police station? I killed someone. I'm a failure.
A failure, how dare you get caught.
Failure. You killed someone, you deserve to die.
That child voice is unfamiliar, I was breathing fast again.

One of the police men looked at me.
'What's wrong?' He said.
I stared at him. Die die!
I dug my fingers into my hands, I wanted to rip my hair out but my hands were cuffed together.
'It's okay, you'll get help here. You don't have to be a villain.' The police man said.
Why aren't they killing you?!
Shut up little one! They are deceiving you. You'll always stay a villain.

They pulled up into a park, he got out and opened the door for me. He took of my seatbelt then helped me out of the car. We walked through some automatic doors, it was a mental health ward. The police man took the hand cuffs off me, then dragged me to a seat. The other policeman went to the counter and began to talk.

I stared at the doors. I could escape, wouldn't that be easy. I could kill them and run. What? I held my head. Sinner, stop living!
'Shut up!' I yelled.
Both the policemen looked at me. The one next to me started asking me stuff, the other one kept talking to the lady, I couldn't hear anything. I felt like I was suffocating. My ears were ringing, yet it was so noisy. I began desperately scratching at my wrists.

The policeman grabbed my hands and held them. Everything after that was a blur.


When I opened my eyes, I was in a black room. I looked around, only to see the two 'voices' staring at me.
'You got caught. But you can escape.'
'Just die. You're a failure, I'm disappointed.'
'Shut up little one. You must kill them all, they killed your mother. She's dead.'

'Don't talk shit about my mother!' I yelled. They both glared at me. The older one began to laugh. The younger one cried. Then I woke up.

I was in a room, there was a man next to me, I moved away from him.
'You're awake, good.' He said.
'Who are you?'
'I'm Dr. Nanyo.... your psychiatrist...' he smiled kindly.
I stared at him, then I looked at my hand, it was handcuffed to the rail on the bed. And I was wearing a white shirt and white shorts. My arms were wrapped up in bandages.

'..why..' I mumbled.
'Oh, that's so you don't run away or do something stupid...' he said.
'What about the bandages... I only cut one arm..' I muttered.
'So you can't scratch yourself...'
'How long was I out..'
'About an hour..'

My head was still pounding, so I laid down.
'I'll come back when it's dinner. You try to rest.'
I didn't say anything, he left the room.

Pathetic. Pathetic. Die.

That's all I heard, for a good hour. Until I saw something. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a dark purple fog. I looked over to it, it looked like a portal. Out stepped a blue haired man, with white hands all over his body. He looked crusty. Then a gassy figure wearing a suit was next to him.

'You are... Deku?' The blue haired man said.
I just stared at him.
'What of it...' I said.
'I've been watching you, you... killed a man...' he said. He began to scratch at his neck.
I said nothing.
'I want you to join the LOV...' he said.
'The what?' I asked.

'League of villains, it's a villain organisation.' The mist man said.
You can kill. Yes yes. Go kill. Say yes.
'You don't really get the choice...' the blue haired man said. He walked over to the hand cuffs and held onto them, they turned into dust. His quirk.

The door opened, dr. Nanyo walked in and stared at the strangers. Then he looked horrified.
'Midoriya come here quick, they're dangerous! They could kill you.' He yelled.
I just stared at him, my eyes were lifeless. I bet I looked dead.
'But, I don't care if they kill me...' I asked, tilting my head. 

The doctor gave me a sympathetic look. My arm was grabbed and pulled, I fell of the bed and into the weird misty portal, the last thing I saw from that room was the doctor reaching for me and yelling. Then I was in another room.

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