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(Aizawa POV)

I woke up close to midday, then crawled out of bed. When I walked out into the kitchen, I almost shat myself. The house was spotless, there was food on the table and I could smell something cooking in the oven. I kinda stood there stunned, Ive never cared much for keeping clean, I don't think it matters much.

I felt something pierce into my back, and a warm liquid trickle down my skin. A hand grabbed my shoulder tight.
'You finally showed...' a young boy muttered.
I turned around, Midoriya was standing behind me with an apron on, a knife in his hand and a smirk on his face.

'You're not a very careful hero.' He stated.
'Shut up, I just woke up... stop abusing your father...'
'You're not my father..' He said.
'I'm your guardian, you shouldn't kill your guardian...'
'Well, breakfast is ready.' He said.

I sat down and ate. That child, is horrifying. I say it a lot, but he is indeed interesting. I didn't even sense him there. He could've killed me, maybe. Probably not, but his strength scares me.

Even if he is acting the way he is, I can see in his eyes that he is broken.
'I sharpened all you knives..' he said.
'That's why you could stab me so easily?' I asked.
'I suppose.' He walked into the kitchen and washed the knife.
'I wonder how many scars you'll end up giving me..' I said.

'Hmm~ who knows..' he said. 
It was silent for a bit, then I heard a loud thud. I looked towards the disturbance, there was a knife in the wall.
'Are you gonna keep putting holes in my walls?' I asked, then I looked towards him.

Though, he looked horrified, and he was staring at the wall where the knife was. I thought for a moment, then got up and quickly rushed over to him. I pulled him into a tight hug.
'Don't listen to them, they're not real..' I said.

I remembered the doctor on the phone saying he had psychosis or something, so he sees things that aren't there. Or something.
'Liar..' he muttered.
I looked at him.
'What?' I asked.
'They're real, you're a liar.' He muttered.

I crouched down and looked at him.
'Midoriya... why would I lie?' I asked.
'To hide the truth...' he said.
I shook my head.
'They are not real, look at me..' I said.
He looked towards me, his eyes were full of fear. He looked just like a lost child.

'If they were real, I would see them and hear them, but I don't. So calm down... focus on something else..' I said.
He looked towards the knife, then looked back at me. He slowly walked into me, and carefully hugged me. I could feel his hands trembling. I wrapped one arm around him, then pat his head with the other.

'Come on little villain, take a break..' I took him over to the couch and pushed him onto it.
'Hey!' He snapped.
I crossed my arms and stared at him.
'What? You're a villain, my enemy. So shouldn't I be throwing you around?' I teased with a smirk.

He held his hand up to my head in a finger gun.
'Pew..' he said.
And before I could look confused, a knife shot out of his hand and flew past my neck, cutting into it.
'Aww, I was aiming for your head, hero..' he sighed and went to pick up the knife.
'Oi... Stop killing your foster parent...' I said.

'Stop bullying your foster child..' he mimicked.
I smiled. He is different to all the people I know.
'You need to sharpen your skills, hero.' He said, then he walked to the wall and pulled the knife out.
I frowned.
'Where do you even keep getting these knives from?' I questioned.
'Who knows...' he said.


(Midoriyas POV, Tuesday morning)

I woke up early, like always. Except today I had to go to school. A hero school, the opposite of what I am. I'm confused as to why the league hasn't found me yet. It's quite annoying.

The stupid uniform looked annoying to put on, I ditched the tie because I'm not doing that everyday. I walked out into the kitchen and looked around. Where is Aizawa?

I walked into his room and knocked on the door, then opened it. He was still in bed.
'Oi lazy, get up! School.' I said.
'I'm an adult I don't go to school...' he murmured in a sleepy voice.
'Um, you're a teacher smart ass, get up.' I said.
His eyes opened quick and he rolled of the bed groaning.

'Dont you have to get in before students?' I asked.
'I don't care about that..' he said.
I sighed and walked into the kitchen. Normally, mum makes breakfast for me in the morning. But today, she's not here to even give me a hug. And it's all my fault. I didn't kill enough hero's.

Failure. Anyway, I cooked up a quick breakfast for Aizawa and I, then I sat it on the table. He came out as a worm in a yellow sleeping bag, slowly making his way to the table.
'I made you coffee...' I said.
He worked his way up onto the chair and stared at the food.

'Thanks little villain..' he said.
He began to eat. I ate too, and it didn't take him long to finish.
'Don't worry, I only poisoned you a little bit.' I smirked and stood up, taking the plates.
'What the hell does that mean?' He said.
I walked over to the sink and washed the plates.

'You'll see... also I made us lunch.' I sat a lunch box in front of him.
I picked up my bag and swung it over my shoulder, then slipped on my shoes.
'I'm off...' I said.
I felt a hand grip onto my head.
'No, you go to school with me little villain.' He said.
He put on some shoes and swung a bag over his shoulder.

'Let's go.' He said.
And then we left.

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