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April's pov
It's my birthday today, I guess since my parents are gone there wasn't anyone there to throw a party.

It doesn't matter.

two years after the incident and nothing happened,It was like a dream. Every day the memoryabout it fade's away little by little, completely.

But today, when I woke up, the house was surprisingly empty, no sign of corpses or the serial killer, it was scary. I walked all around the house and in the garden but there was no one there.

"Hello!!" I screamed.

"Where are you?" I muttered, shaking in fear.

I'm scared,   where is he, I thought he'll always be here.

My hands started feeling cold,  I   held my hands together, keeping it warm, I closed my eyes trying not to cry but my tears wertotodayor my eyes to carry.


But suddenly thee hair from the back of my neck stand and the cold feeling of someone watching me, screamed my body to RUN!!.

I squat to my knee and ran as fast as I can to the mansion but before I could get inside.







The ringing sound of bang,t beside my ear to the front door. I fell to the ground clutching my ears, scrambling to get myself together.

I ran to the forest with the sound of gunshots tailing behind me. I tried to look behind me but as soon as I did,  I tripped, sprained my ankle.

The throbbing feeling of pain when I tried to stand up, numbs my feet.

"It hurts..."

I didn't have the strength anymore.


"Oh, sweet April...?"

That voice isn't from the serial killer.

I looked around me to find somewhere to hide,fortunately beside me was a dead hollow log, large enough for me to fit, I crawled into the log and kept quiet.




The sound of dry leaves as he steps on its getting louder and louder.

I tried to cover my mouth so that he won't hear my breathe but something was crawling from my back to my nape,  enabling me to keep quiet, sending shivers down my spine.
I tried to shake it off but its sharp jagged legs weree gripping on my shirt.

"April.....I just wanna talk"

"Please show yourself"

I could feel the killing intent that was put into his sugarcoated desperate words.

I didn't say anything and stayed still but the more I stayed still the more that thing crawled up to me.

"APRIL!!!!" he screamed.

I could hear the branches breaking and the small trees falling,  til everything was silent. Only the sound of my breath was all I could hear.




Cold hands gripped my injured ankle.


I kicked and clawed on anything but by the second he got me out, he threw me to the ground, I triedto crawl for my life but he stepped on my back , his hard heavy foot crush me between the ground , I couldn't breath , I tried to look at him, just to see a gun to my head.

His eyes were filled with hate and resentment but what have I ever done for him to hate me so much.

Am I going to die?
I closed my eyes and readied myself for what was about to happen.

But out of nowhere the serial killer, showed up out with an axe ready to swing but before he could the stranger saw him coming and shot him on the shoulder, dropping his axe but the killer didn't waver, he jumped on the man.

Both were on a one on one battle between each other but because of the killers wound, he was pinned down and beaten.

I stared in horror nit able to move. I didn't know what to do.
The man didn't stop hitting him but the killer was able to deflect most of them until the stranger found his gun three feet beside them.
We all looked at the gun and without warning, the man ran to it.

I have to do something!

I looked at the axe beside me and looked at him,I didn't have enough time toto think
I grabbed the axe, realising how heavy it was, I swungo my side and raised it to parallel to my head,  as the man bends down to get his gun, I   let the weight of the axe and my arms sliced through down his head creating an opening on his skull. I tried to get the axe of but failed, it was wedged in between his brain.

I looked at him, his frozen face, as he looked at me,e, was completely disfigured, all I could see was his eyes, red from tears but rather than feeling guilty or pity I felt joy and satisfaction.

The brown leaves weresoakedddin his blood making a beautiful reflection from the sun.

The warm blood heated my freezing hand hands I feel relief and at home.
I looked behind me to see the killer standing, I stepped aside as he quietly took the axe from the body and...




He continued to swing the dull axaxea  ngling like an ornament til it was completely off.
I imagined the little bits of flesh that fell from the axe to the puddle as stormy waves in the ocean and the blood-drenched leaves as sinking boats , he then picked up the decapitated head with his good arm and looked at me for what it felt like an eternity before dropping the axe to ask for my hand , I immediately held his as I stared at the deformed head he was holding.

"Who was that man?" I asked.

But he only gripped my hand tighter.
I kept quiet and looked at the ground just to remember but I can't.

Who was he?

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