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April's pov

I woke up with tired eyes and sore throat, the bed I was sleeping on was warm and heavy. I smelled a strong scent of something , I try to get up when a sudden discomfort of my lower half spread to my back , it felt disgusting , I pause immediately and tried to focus my eyes to the dark when I see a figure of a large man sitting on his chair, facing his back at me.

My heart starts beating fast,kelikeke was drowning.

He was facing down with his hands covering his face, his body was shaking and a faint sound of sobs was coming from him.



"I'm so sorry. .."

he muttered, crying.

I looked closer,he was sitting on an old wooden chair, the kind you see in the kitchen,he was wearing a dirty, bloody sleeveless shirt and a worn-down camo pants. I couldn't see his face, all I knew was he had pale skin and black hair.

The room was pitch black, the dim light that was on a small table at the side of the bed, didn't help much since it didn't reach close to the other end of the room . his back was the only thing I could really see.

He didn't stop crying for a solid minute, before realizing I was awake.

He froze, then quietly wore a mask that was on the floor.

Then I finally realised.


I felt so stupid, how could I not see this. It's him.

I rolled to my front and covered myself with the sheets, hoping it was an
I could hear the sound of my heart beating,  louder and louder as his footsteps come closer.



A shadow was covering me, the bed was sinking down and the sheets started to tighten.

I close my eyes and curled my body into a ball, when suddenly he bent down closer and closer to the point that he was laying on top of me, then pushed me to the wall and hugged me like I was a body pillow.

I was confused.

I never thought a serial killer like him could feel so warm.

I can hear he's breath as it reaches my ear,  the hair from the back of my neck stood.

My heart was beating fast but in a different way now.

This feels weird, this can't be real . his supposed to be, just a hallucination, he's not real, he can't be. But why can I touch him,  why is he breathing.

what is going on?!?!.

I turned to face him and move closer to his chest, then everything seems to mind was blank and the very life I thought I knew was go thoseeople that I thought were not real. The man from the closet, the guy from the kitchen, we're they real? my parent's. .........................

Tears started overflowing my eyes I felt scared but I wanted to be sure if he was really a human being.

I tugged the sheets down to finally see his face but once I did, his mask was covering him, the skin tattered mask that was covering him, the mask that I thought was his real face is right in front of me.

I reached to touch his face but he grabbed my hand.

"Don't......." he whispered.
I almost jumped.

"Why?!" I said out loud.

He said nothing, I could feel his cold and restless gaze on me, it sends shivers down my spine.

I couldn't ask him. I don't know why? But I feel like if  I did, I won't be coming out here,................ever.

His hand let go of mine and hugged me tighter.

"Do you see me now ?" He asked with a teasing voice.

I tried to look away but I couldn't his arm was holding me to tight.

I give up.

"I see you," I said


It's only obvious, I'll try to rest, , en if he fell asleep. I'll take off that mask.  









I waited for hours, but he just stared me down, while lying beside, it was comfortable.

"Did you really kill them ?" I asked to stop the excruciating silence.

"Yes." He said coldly.

"How?" I asked again.

"The girl........ She was annoying. "he said

I wanted to know what he did to them.

"And the others?" I said clenching my fist under the covers.

"Karma,"  he said happily like he was remembering a good time.

My eyes widen angrily but relieved to know that I was never crazy.caccan'tat he did to them.

Whatever their dead anyway.

The feeling of relief calmed me down.

I feel tired..........

Darkness engulfed me and like from the start his the last thing I see.

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