Room 201

15 5 0

Intern pov

I was right.

I should have come with him, what was I thinking. If I was any second later,he could have died.

Thank god I have a GPS tracker on his car, If I didn't trust my gut instinct, If I didn't findhis car I wouldn't forgive myself.

Thank god for his alive.

I was leaving early that night,when I felt that endless pit in my stomach and I couldn't get him out of my head, my whole body was shaking, cold sweats trickled down my forehead.
He's in danger...........

Without thinking, I ran to my car and used the GPS tracker to find his car, it was dark that night, the GPS led me to the side of a highway, his car was at the side of the road,l  ocked.

I walked slowly,  trying to find a clue, why he stopped here but it watto Toorakrk , the only light there is thee streellight,I walked to the side of the road where there was an empty land overgrown with grass and bush , I turned on my flashlight and held my gun, just in case, as I walked a small distance from my car , I saw a small storage house made out of cement, on top of a small hill, it looked abandoned and dirty.

But what if he's in there, I have to check.

The sound of dry leaves and broken branches, crushing beneath my feet was filling me with anxiety.
finally, here.

The door was open.

It was so dark, I walked slowly inside trying to calm down.



I stumbled down to the door way, I flash the light to where the sound was.

"OH MY GOD!!!"

The detective's lifeless body was on the pool of blood his arm was bent in different places, a sharp piece of bone was hanging out of his leg, his left eye was missing, blood was dripping out of his head and eye socket.

I approached him when suddenly he grabbed my ankle, his cold bloody crooked hand gripped me tightly.

The hair from the back of my neck stands up.
He's alive.

I tried to carry him but the more I touched him the more he screamed,his bones was shattered and if I slightly touch him,I'm afraid he'll die.

I reached for my phone in my pocket, called the ambulance and asked for a helicopter

He can't die.

In less than thirty minutes the helicopter was here, they gave me a sickening look like I was crazy for saving someone that was better off dead.

I ran to my car and drove fast, I couldn't wait anymore, I have to be there.
I got to the hospital and demanded to see him and to know if he was ok.

They gave me a hopeless look.

"why!?!" I asked

"The man is barely alive, his bones were everywhere, his left eye,  l o  st so much blood and his lungs were pierced by one of his broken ribs, he said.

" I believe he won't make it," he added.

"We did the best we could we can only hope now."The nurse said.

The feeling of helplessness engulfed my body,  I just crashed down to the floor my limbs limp and my eyes blank,  I couldn't think of anything, I don't what to do? , what more can I do?


"Where is he?" I asked muttering.

"Room 201," the doctor said

I got up and walked slowly, looking down on my shoes, every step I take, my leggget heheaviern't want to go to that room if it means I'll say goodbye.

I clenched my fist and opened the door.

the room was like any other hospital room, white clean walls and bed.

He's there, on the hospital bed with a fuckin machine keeping him alive, his whole body covered in bandages and metal screws, the sound of the ventilator echoed the room.

I walked closer.

"Sir?" I said.

"Talk to, I, muttered trying not to cry.

When suddenly he rose from his bed with his one eye wide open and both of his hands swinging everywhere.




The rusty screech as he tries to scream and the confusing fear in his eyes as he looked at me made my mind go blank



"HE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE AWAKE, H IGHER HIS DOSE !!!!" The doctors screamed as they pinned him down, the detective was panicking and aggressively grabbing the doctors clothes and head, nurses started running to the room with injections of morphine,I tried to say something but before I could react they pushed me out of the room.

"Who did this ?" I asked myself.

Then I remembered about the kid he was watching, the suspect.




"He's going to die for this," I said clenching my hand, till blood was dripping down my palm to the floor.


"April Pierce!!"


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