Chapter seven

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Aspen's P.O.V

I woke up before Ryder did so I decided to go take a shower and get dressed. I climbed out of the shower to find Ryder standing there waiting for me.

"Jesus Ryder." I say.

Ryder started laughing at me and then just walked out. I noticed that my clothes were no longer on the counter.

"RYDER WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES?" I yell through the door.

"No idea babe." he says back to me in a mocking tone.

Fine I didn't want to really wear all black anyway. I walk out of the bathroom to find Ryder on my bed and my camo t-shirt dress and my green thigh high heel boots.

"You didn't like the outfit that I had out?" I ask.

"Oh I did I just like this one better oh and you're matching me better in this one also can you wear your leather jacket with this one for me please?" He says giving his famous smirk and puppy dog eyes.

"You do realize we are going to school, not the award show right?" I say to him walking to my dresser to grab underwear and a bra.

After I finished putting those on I walked over to the bed which was a bad idea because Ryder decided it was a good idea to tackle me on to the bed and pin me there.

"Ryder I swear if you don't let me go we will be late for school." I say

"But what do I care about school when I have my lovely girlfriend right here in front of me." Ryder says starting to kiss my neck.

"No sir now let me up and you need to get dressed I want coffee before we go to school." I say pushing away from him.

"Fine you win baby girl." He says getting off my bed.

I put my dress on then went to get my long black socks that went higher than my boots. I put them on then put my boots on over them honestly I looked pretty damn good. I walked over to my mirror and did my hair. Ryder came out of the bathroom wearing all black his shirt clung to his body and jeans hung low on is waist. He walked to my closet and grabbed his camo bomber jacket. He came over to me and grabbed my waist.

"You just can't keep your hands to yourself can you?" I ask him.

"No I can not, not when it comes to you." He says.

I roll my eyes and walk away from him. I grab my black bomber jacket and walk down the stairs to the kitchen to find my mother with her arms crossed waiting for me.

"I thought you said you didn't sleep with him." She says with a smirk on her face like she is the powerful and all knowing.

"We didn't sleep together the way that you are thinking mother we just laid in the same bed. Something that you do when you are couple but you probably wouldn't know that because you haven't actually done with dad for over a year now." I say crossing my arms.

"You know nothing and you will keep your mouth shut about me and your father. I am your mother and you will respect me as if I am." She says walking over to me.

"No No I will not do that because you are not my mother and you do not deserve to be respected because you had my brother killed and you tried killing me. So if you excuse me I have school to be at right now and you are irrelevant to my life." I say moving away from her.

"Your brother asked me to kill him, he wanted to get away from you. Nobody wants you here Aspen can't you see that. Your brother is dead, I absolutely do not want you here and your father just hasn't come to the fact that you actually did have something to do with your brothers death." She says.

I quickly turn around and grab her neck causing her to fall against the kitchen counter. I dug my nails into her neck not caring if I drew blood.

"Everything that you say is a lie my brother loved me and he didn't beg for you to kill him because he wanted you dead. He asked right before he went out the night you killed him was to do one thing in his name and that was to kill the hateful mother that we had. I told him that I would honor his wishes I just haven't done it yet because I am waiting to make it painful. When it is time for me to kill you Nobody will know that you were ever alive, no one will care the Lucy Mornamere was ever alive. You will feel the 18 years of pain that you caused me and you will feel the pain that you inflicted on Demetri. I am going to do that to honor MY brother because that is what a true family member would do but it is also what a true Assassin would do for her leader. So mother watch your back I'll be coming for you." I say removing my nails from her neck.

Just then Ryder walked in with his sly smirk on his lips.

"That was so freaking hot. Now come on it is time to go." Ryder says. 

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