Chapter 28

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That girl was driving me crazy

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That girl was driving me crazy.

Everything I had done the past month was to protect her. I needed to protect her. If anything happened to her, at all, I would lose it.

I was slowly starting to realize just how much I cared about her, and it was a lot.

Victor had been harassing me for weeks about her, trying so hard to figure out who she was. He deserved a medal or something. I wasn't going to tell until I could be sure I could have her forever. Every day I wanted her a little more, and every day I stayed a little further away from her. I didn't want her caught up in the shit Kieran and I was trying to uncover.

Kieran had turned out to be a great guy, really. Someone I could call a friend, if he wasn't human.

I marched through the building, determined. I was going to the warehouse, get a bag of blood to still my fucking urges to rip out the throat of every human I met on my way, and then talk to Kieran about his best friend. After that, I was going back to my office, and I was going to forget all about this clusterfuck.

The warehouse was filled with humans, and I could tell someone had had an accident recently, because the lingering smell of blood made my irises turn completely red within seconds.

"Lord Moreno! Hey, I was just-oh..." Kieran cut himself off once he saw my eyes.

I scowled at him, and pushed past him, to get to the cooling room. Several humans noticed my eyes on the way over there, and they all squirmed and shrunk in size. They all knew about my genes. Everyone knew. I had no idea how, but it didn't matter.

I reached for a chilled bag of blood, and punctured the plastic with my fangs. Ah. Great. B Negative, the one with the most full flavor, and the longest buzz. It was exactly what I needed at that point. Great taste, and long lasting effect.

I emptied the bag in no time, and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, and then I closed the door to the cooling room, and went back out into the warehouse to Kieran.

"What were you saying?" I asked, as I tossed the empty blood bag in the trash.

He seemed a little uneasy by my sudden blood thirst, but he tried his best not to care. A great sport, really. I normally didn't care for it when someone tried to hide their fear of me, but I knew Kieran wasn't really scared, he had seen me an hour earlier with no signs at all of this kind of blood thirst, so I understood his concern.

"I was just about to go find you, Sir. You see," he started, and handed me a piece of paper, "this is what we ordered last week, and this is what came in. I had the counters count it right out of the box, no middle-men, like you asked, and there are still a hundred items in total missing."

I felt my jaw tense.

"So there's someone outside the building doing this?" I asked.

"I think so, yes. I think it's time to ask Marty about this."

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