Chapter 11

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"Devin! Come help me set the table!"

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"Devin! Come help me set the table!"

My mother's voice was ringing through the whole house. Saturday was family-day in our house, and it had been filled with anxiety and serious talk last week, after I had been sent to Adrian's office three days in a row, and this one should be no different. I had after all spent half a day with him, the whole week.

This time, mom and dad had invited Kieran and his family too, and I could only hope that they wouldn't tell his parents about my new position as the Lord's slave.

"Coming, mom," I yelled from my room. I was looking particularly good this evening, if I could say so myself. I har put on my best dress, and I had borrowed some makeup from my sister. I never really cared that much about appearances, but I wanted to try. I felt like I needed some artificial confidence to get through tonights dinner.

My blue dress spun around me when I twirled one last time in the mirror. It had a layered skirt, which I adored, and it was strapless. A really beautiful dress that I had the pleasure of owning. My mom always said that a lady needed at least one great dress in case something happened, and this was mine.

"Oh, honey, you look stunning!"

My mom hugged me, and she looked over me once I walked into the dining room. She smiled widely, too, and she hugged me again.

"I bet Kieran will love this on you," she whispered into my ear, and I looked at her with narrowed eyes.

"What do you mean, mom?" I asked, and she just smiled like she knew something I didn't, but she was never going to tell.

I sighed, and put out our finest porcelain on the table, and then I dug through the drawers to find utensils. My mind kept replaying my mom's words. 'Kieran will love this on you.' What the fudge?

Anya came walking into the room and helped me place the knives and forks on the table, and she looked at me. Her smile was kind of sad, but at the same time, she looked happy.

"What? Do you know something?" I asked, and her smile grew bigger.

The fact that she knew was making me uneasy, and she came closer to me. She reached up to comb my hair with her fingers, and she smiled at me, and put a light kiss on my forehead.

"I think mom has some ulterior motives with this dinner, now that you're 18. It was going to happen last week, but you managed to be called up to the boss' office three times, so she was a little on edge.."

She smiled at me, like she was still hiding something. I wanted answers.

"But why isn't she on edge now, then, when I've spent several hours every day with him?" My voice got high, and I was clearly annoyed by this whole situation, and Anya grabbed both my hands in hers, and rubbed her thumb over the back of my hands.

"You aren't hurt, and you have been behaving, so it's nothing to worry about. Mom doesn't like it, but she can't go up to him and yell at him, you know?" Anya smiled, and then she hugged me. "This is a big night for you. I'm glad you dressed up."

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