Reyna hummed a soft tune as she pulled to a stop, sliding her black helmet off. She slid her hand down her ruffled brown hair, flattening it out again.

The streets were quiet, which did suprise Reyna due to the horrible reputation Wakefield had. She was expecting a lot of crimes or muggers at least but she hadn't found any yet, so she thought.

A scream shot through the night, making Reyna's head shoot up.

Her blue eyes flickered around the clearing, seeing people rush away from the sound whereas she wanted to go towards it. Melissa trusted her to be a vigilante for Wakefield whilst she helped SHIELD, she couldn't not do what Melissa had requested.

The brunette flicked her legs off the motorbike before rushing towards the sound. Her hair swung sid to side, brushing her back gently as her sneaker thudded against cement path.

She quickly dashed around the corner, her eyes making out two silhouettes.

"Hey!" Reyna called out, seeing and hearing a woman wimper quietly.

The man's head snapped up in time to see Reyna approaching, her fist in tight knuckles.

"What do you want?" the man snapped.

"You're hurting her, so I suggest you step away," Reyna suggested, crossing her arms. The woman was hidden in the shadows slightly but Reyna could make out blonde hair that fell down her shoulders, curling at the ends. Her cheeks were stained, makeup smudged from the tears that slowly slid down.

"What's it to you, journalist?" the man hissed, releasing the woman. A scruffy beard wrapped around his chin, a tattoo showed on the side of his neck and Reyna could tell her was obviously stronger then her but, he wasn't trained by the Superhuman.

The woman scrambled away, a quiet 'thank you' escaping her lips as she fled past Reyna.

The brunette's smirk grew as she looked down the alley, seeing no on in sight. She could be as aggressive as she wanted.

"So, is that poor girl your girlfriend or-" she turned back to see the man cracking his neck before doing it to his hands. "Ok, so we're going straight onto fighting. Fine by me."

Cutting the approach short, Reyna rushed over to the man, using the fact he was built stronger and taller then her to her advantage.

She ducked as he threw a punch, sliding under his arm before grabbing it and pulling it back with her. The man yelled painfully as Reyna dug her long, sharp nails into his wrist, making her grip tight. She twisted his wrist making the man groan again, his free hand flailing around in an attempt to grab the much smaller girl.

"Now, you're gonna listen to me and you're gonna listen carefully," Reyna hissed loud enough for the man to hear. "If that is your girlfriend, you are gonna treat her with proper respect and treat her like a queen. If that's not your girlfriend, you will stop harassing woman and listen when they say 'no'."

The man nodded vigorously, feeling his wrist bruise and ache.

"Good, if I find out you don't do what I've politely asked, I will write an article on you and ruin your life, and you better not tell anyone sweetheart, because I will win," Reyna threatened before releasing her grip and backing up. "Now, run along."

The man quickly scrambled away, shocking Reyna slightly. He seemed like a confident man, one that wouldn't back down from a fight, especially from a girl like Reyna.

The brunette smirked as she watched him run, flicking her hair over her shoulder and folding her arms lightly again.

Suddenly, clapping echoed through the street, making Reyna glance around. Her eyes immediately caught the figure that slowly approached her. She took a hesitant step back until one of the dim street lights showed her the figure.

Slick black hair was pushed back, hiding behind a man with pale skin's shoulder. His outfit was out of the ordinary, looking like he wore green robes that seemed royal in a way and a golden staff was held tightly in his grasp.

"Well done, Ms Daniels," he applauded.

Reyna's eyes were instantly draw to the staff he held. At the top, it curved slightly into something that resembled a scythe and Reyna saw the blue glow it admitted.

"Thank you?" she said, backing up slightly. She didn't question how he knew her name due to her job in journalism.

"No problem, but I'm in need of something from you," He answered, stepping closer to Reyna, the staff's end pointing towards her.

Reyna had to admit, the man had a creepy vibe to him and the attire he wore was telling the woman to run.

But before she coild back up anymore, the sharp pointed edge of the golden staff gently tapped her chest.

Something pulsed through Reyna and she felt herself rock slightly before feeling like she lost control.

She wanted to run but no matter how hard she tried, she didn't move.

The man smirked, satisfied because he has control of the Superhuman's best friend now. Melissa Ryans was going to be much easier to make kneel at his feet now that he had something he could hold over her.

I'm sorry that this isn't the best lol, i promise my writing will get better

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