Feelings align through dancing

Start from the beginning

(Army: *squeaky voice* I cant stop smiling ahhh)

"Ouch, feisty, my heartttt".

"Don't be over dramatic, you weirdo".

"Pssh, you like me when I'm like this"

"Like what?" Army curiously asked. As he raised an eyebrow.

Aloha smirked, he got up, and slowly yet abruptly pinned Army with both of his hands, until Army's head and back touched the seat fully.

"He-y what—" Army stutters, flustered.

"You like me when I tease you!, submit to my charm, curry boy!" Aloha demanded merrily.

"N-never!!" Army stated with a vibrant shade of orange all over his complexion.

"Nani!?, then I shall force you!!"

"W-what do you mean—!?"


Without a millisecond of hesitation, Aloha plunged right in and moved his fingers in a rigorous and fast paced movements on Army's waist.



Army slid down to his back in reaction to the constant tickles and laid flat on his back.




The two went on for a little bit until Army surrendered.



Aloha stopped tickling and waited for Army to calm down, as Army was panting in a considerable amount.

"Ah ha ah, fine" Army sternly answered.

"Fine about what~~~?" Aloha remarks, purposely trying to rile up Army, which worked.
Still panting Army replied with:

"I don't mind you teasing me" Army mutters softly, his face darkens in orange.

"What's that?, I didn't hear you commander, mind piping up?"

"Why you!"

Army pulls Aloha by his collar and glared at him in the eyes, Aloha was silent with a shit eating grin plastered on his features. Army leans in to Aloha's ear (or fin idek). Army bit his pride and whispered:

"I find you tolerable, asshole"

(Aloha: BADUMP)

As if he had been running a marathon, Aloha felt blood rushing to his face, as if adrenaline had been in act. He felt excitement. Aloha's grin widens as his eyes glimmered in euphoria.

"Hehe, I knew you'd come around~~" Aloha added in.

"Oh shut up"

The two clads exchanged smug looks, as they both broke into lusty sounds of laughter.


Little did they know that the other inklings were observing them the entire time.

(The group: AWWWW They'd be such a cute couple!!, wish they'd start dating!!) the inklings giggles.

(Rider and Mask: Just f**k already) The two glared tiredly.

"Ok, we're here!" The chauffeur announced.

"Wow already!". The energetic bunch poked their heads out to inspect the new environment.

Two nights was enough (Aloha x Army)Where stories live. Discover now