Feelings align through dancing

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"They don't just call you guys the idiot team for nothing aye", the chauffeur chuckles at the reflection of the rearview mirror.

"Please be quiet" Glasses groaned in a fatigued manner.

Once the limo had left the tunnel, all that was
left were a wrecked limo with a tremendous amount of ink splatters, and a worn out group of messy looking inklings.

"How are we supposed to get clean before the ball?" Headphones sounded, losing all hope in ink culture.

"We don't!!" Bobbles and Goggles cheered

"OI!!!" The others exclaimed.

"Haha, you fellas don't need to worry about nothing!."

"Huh?" Every inkling sounded and drifted their full attention to the chauffeur.

"There are cleaning pods at the at ball since they're expecting this type of mess from you lot. You fellas just need to step on the pod, let it suck all of the ink out (Lenny face), and you'll be as good as new".  The chauffeur chuckled.

"Ahhhh, that's good to know!" Everyone beamed in joy.

"Since we have some time left, let's make the most of it and party!" Aloha declares in a bubbly way.

"Alright!!!" Every inkling responded with the same energy as a bunch of children that were just given the sweetest candy. They all began to chatter and the jovial atmosphere had returned. The limo was once again packed with laughter and the party animals doing their thing.

As time passed.

Aloha had been performing party animal style dance moves he had, and the others were loving it.

"Woooooooo, go Aloha!!" The girls cheered him on.

Mid performance Aloha declared:

"Alright!, that's not all ladies, there's still more to come—-"



Due to the sudden collision, Aloha had stumbled back to his seat, his body was on the ground and his right arm placed on his seat.

Without notice, the idiotic blue clad had joined the what use to be a solo dance performance, and proceeded to fortnite dance.

Aloha and the others were left flabbergasted.

"WRONG GAME YOU IDIOT!!!", Rider called out as he threw a inked up seat cushion.

"YOUCH!!" Goggles cried out.

"Boooooooo, you should'veee thrown the vaseeee at himmm" Mask adds in.

"That's horrible!!!" Designer and Jersey uttered in fear, whilst shaking.

"Hahahahaha, what a dumb dumb". Aloha chuckled pleasantly. He was very amused of how his little performance turned out in the end.


Aloha's ear tingled (is it an ear or a fin?), as he heard a familiar, petite giggle from a source that he knew of. He turned his head, as expected he saw Army who seems to be blissfully giggling away to the many strange yet entertaining events around him.

"Having fun there Army buu~~", Aloha remarked

"E-er, don't call me that!!" Army retorts in bashful note.

"Hehe, admit it, you like it when I call you cute names".

"Never, and they're not cute, you damn party animal!!". Army looks away from the bright pink inkling, pouting. But in actuality, he looked away to hide his beaming smile, and his orange cheeks.

Two nights was enough (Aloha x Army)Where stories live. Discover now