chapter 7

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[Name] and Ravio quickly returned to pick up the mattress, hoping to drag it back to [Name]'s room as quickly as they could. It wasn't any less heavy than it was when they first tried moving it, and [Name] knew they were still going to have one hell of a time trying to get it up the stairs.

But before they were even able to lift it from the ground, they were interrupted once again.

An unfamiliar young soldier suddenly turned around the corner, right to where they were standing. He was very tall and very handsome - with dark hair and piercing red eyes. [Name] had never seen him before, but she felt overwhelmed just by the sight of him; clearly he was in a place of power here.

Ravio, on the other hand, let out a small huff from beneath his hood.

"Oh, my, if it isn't the Royal Advisor," the man said wryly. "Why are you sneaking around?"

[Name] remembered that Ravio hated being put out the spot, and she knew if she was nervous, then he must've been too - so she tried to answer for him. "We were just borrowing this mattr—"

The soldier turned to her. "Are you the Royal Advisor, Hylian?" He paused, taunting her to answer. She didn't. "No? So don't talk." Then his smile curled down a little. "But of course you would try to. All you Hylians are so entitled. Every single one of you I meet just expect everything to be all about them, all the time!"

[Name] felt her heart sink in her chest. He was rude! He must have been the person Ravio had mentioned just a while ago, the one he seemed exasperated with. It would make sense. [Name] didn't like this guy at all either, and they'd only just met seconds ago.

But, she didn't have any fighting energy left in her. So she muttered out a soft, "...Sorry."

Internally, on the other hand, she felt very annoyed. She looked over at Ravio, who had laced his fingers together, his gaze glued to the ground. Fortunately, with a hood, nobody could see him looking so uncomfortable; he had the mask of a happy-looking rabbit face for everyone to stare at instead.

"I just needed a mattress," he explained, his voice quiet again, like it had been when he was with Hilda. "When I got home, I found my house had been robbed, so I decided to come back here... but it seems Miss [Name] is currently occupying the only guestroom, which is why I needed a mattress."

"Oh, well, that's unfortunate," the soldier said, his tone still very wry and very unsympathetic. "Is that really the case?"

"Yes," Ravio answered.

"Hm. Then, would you care to explain this?" Walked over to the mattress, the soldier unsheathed his sword from his side, and drew a long, ragged cut along the center of the bed.

Inside, the mattress was filled to the brim with rupees and various treasures.


...Neither [Name] nor Ravio knew how to respond. There was so much treasure. [Name] had no idea that was inside the mattress this whole time—but it'd certainly explain why it'd been so heavy!

But even so, this revelation really did pin her and Ravio as thieves. And the soldier, still wearing a small smile on his lips, looked back at Ravio for an explanation.

"I-I," Ravio started, sharing a quick glance with [Name]. "I didn't know those were there."

"Really?" he hummed. "Well, that doesn't change the fact that you two were carrying all of this out of the storage room. So as far as I'm concerned, you are thieves, plain and simple. I'm not surprised. You're already a traitor, but now that you're working with some little Hylian? This set-up is destined to cause us trouble. I'm alarmed Her Highness hasn't seen it yet. But as her former and rightful Adviser, I will be having none of this in the castle. So I will escort you both to the dungeons, and you can wait for her to handle this situation in the morning."

The young man then walked forward, grabbing both [Name] and Ravio by the arm. He was very strong. He dragged them along the dimly-lit hallways, through several more corridors, and down even more eerie steps, until they arrived at the dungeon cells.

Obviously, things did not feel very welcoming in here. There was a hollow dripping sound from one corner of the cobblestone ceiling, and there were no beds—only a few wooden benches suspended from the walls with rusting chains. [Name] flinched when she and Ravio both were thrust inside, before the servant boy locked the cell behind them both.

"I really do apologize for ruining your night like this, Miss Hylian," he said to her, still never seeming genuine. "It's just a precaution. Surely you understand! I myself am going to rest now, so if you need anything, you'll have to wait till morning. Although, we do have guards patrolling the grounds, so if you make enough noise you might be able to catch their attention. That is, only if you really need it."

The young man then spun on his heel, his footsteps disappearing down the hall.

And a few minutes of silence were left in his wake.

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