chapter 1

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Ravio stopped in his tracks the second he noticed a presence in front of his house. It wasn't very uncommon to see people loitering near his home, but usually it would be a monster or a thief or something—not a normal girl.

Much less, a girl he knew.

"Is that Miss [Name] I see over there?"

She was facing the side of the dirt wall which his house sat on top of, and had just kicked it with a quiet "Din dammit...!" under her breath. But once she heard Ravio's voice, her eyes snapped open, and she turned to look at him like a deer caught in headlights.

"...Ravio?" she asked, tentatively. She quickly looked down at her appearance, wiping stray bits of dirt and grime off her face and patting down her trousers. "What are you doing in Lorule?"

"I could ask the same to you," Ravio said. "But more importantly, why are you harassing that wall? Let me guess—ugly breakup?"

"I wish breakups were my only concern right now," [Name] sighed. She had been "harassing" that wall for at least twenty minutes before Ravio had stumbled upon her, and she was exhausted and frustrated and feeling very dismayed. "...I'm stuck," she said.

Ravio's mouth immediately fell agape, but his hood hid all of his features from sight. "Stuck?!" he cried. "That's terrible! I'll get you out right away!" He started running towards her, before he realized that none of her fingers or toes or limbs were caught anywhere. "...You don't look that stuck to me?"

"Not in the wall," [Name] deadpanned. "I'm stuck here. In Lorule. All the portals to Hyrule are gone..." She took a moment to glance hopelessly at the wall, where a fissure to the land of Hyrule used to be, and then sighed. "...I mean, I guess you're stuck here too, then, huh?"

[Name] and Ravio weren't very close acquaintances. They had one mutual friend—Link, and he  was the only reason they ever met. [Name] oftentimes came to visit Link at his house, but he was hardly ever home after Ravio moved in. So with Ravio being the only one there, sharing a few words with him was inevitable.

...But it was a bit nerve-wracking, on his end. He dreaded the days when [Name] would come to visit. Sure she was always polite to him, but clearly she would only come to see Link, so Ravio knew he must have been a very disappointing sight for her each time.

And it happened pretty frequently. He felt awkward during every meeting.

But he had to admit, this was probably the first time he had ever seen [Name] look relieved to see him. It was only because he was the first familiar face she'd seen since coming to Lorule, but he liked this feeling much better than those "oh... it's just you again," vibes she usually gave him.

But regardless, [Name] has missed quite a lot since they had last crossed paths.

"...I'm actually from Lorule," Ravio explained.

[Name]'s lashes swept upward. "You are?"

"Yep! It's home sweet home~ ...Although, not yours, huh? But don't go bursting into a sweatstorm of panic just yet, 'cause I'm sure there's a way to find another portal. ...If you don't mind, would you come inside? There's a lot I can explain." Ravio motioned to his house, up on that little hill, and looked at [Name] expectantly.

...It wasn't like she had anywhere else to go.

Soleil ✧ Ravio x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now