chapter 5

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Just as Hilda had told her, [Name]'s bedroom was furnished very nicely. She had a great big fluffy bed all to herself, and a giant white armoire which looked like it could hold ten times the amount of clothes she actually owned. Most of the furniture was white, but everything was accented with purple and gold.

There was a lot of purple in Lorule, she noticed. The color was evident on the walls and floors of the castle, in Ravio's own outfit, in Princess Hilda herself, in the sky most of the time...

As intriguing and beautiful as the color looked, it was a bit menacing compared to the bright greens and blues she was used to in Hyrule. She missed the color scheme of her world back home. But, she supposed she could think of this like a vacation. Soon she'd get back home, all safe and sound, and this would just be a story to tell everyone.

She decided to explore her bedroom to calm her nerves.

Her armoire was completely empty. In her bookshelf, there were many books on Lorulean history and magic and politics, and a few mythologies, but nothing completely fiction. [Name] took out a few interesting-sounding volumes and tossed them on her bed for later, before she looked at the bathroom.

...The bathroom just might have been bigger than Ravio's house.


A smile crept onto [Name]'s face when her eyes landed on the massive bathtub. An array of scented soaps and salts and oils and milks had also been provided for her, and she could hardly contain her excitement. The thought of a late-night bath with all of those to enhance the experience pleased her greatly.

She walked back into the bedroom portion of her room and shut the bathroom door behind her, before slipping off her socks and crawling on top of the bed.

And the bed!

[Name] sunk right into it. She had never felt a mattress so soft, or so spongy; the duvet on top was perfectly squishy and fluffy. She rolled herself up into a burrito before picking up one of the books she had left out earlier, and eagerly started through it.

From the few days she had spent in Lorule already, she already knew it was almost parallel to Hyrule, in an eerie kind of way. Similar geography aside, many of the people she had met looked nearly exactly the same as some of her acquiantances in Hyrule. She was curious to see if this Lorulean history book also had any similarities to past events in her world.

There was quite a bit. The book started with the Lorulean Civil War, and the destruction of the Triforce, which occurred several hundred years ago. [Name]'s history-nut side slowly consumed more and more of her the deeper she read into this book. She had never experienced being in an exotic new world whose lore she knew nothing about—with so many historic figures she had never heard of before. It was enticing!

In fact, she would have lost track of time, absorbed so deeply in Lorulean history, had her bedroom door not violently swung open all of a sudden. [Name]'s heart stopped for a moment, and her head whipped around to face the open threshold.

Ravio came scrambling in with zero hesitation at all. Carrying a heavy brown sack over his shoulder, he nearly tripped over his own feet in his haste to get inside.

[Name]'s brows furrowed. "Ravio?! What the gods are yo—"

But the second he saw her, Ravio jumped in surprise, skidding to a halt. "AH! [Name]! Why are you in here?"

"What? Princess Hilda gave me this room." She, too, stumbled over her comforter as she tried to get to her feet, so that she could properly stand to face him. But Ravio's shoulders tensed... and then he quickly spun on his heel.

"Oh! Sorry! Guess I gotta find somewhere else then—see ya!"

And he bolted out the door.

[Name] was taken aback. But she was much too curious to let just him get away, so she decided to run after him. She turned down the left side of the corridor, where Ravio was still scurrying down the hall, and darted in his direction.


Instead of continuing to run, though, Ravio slowed. "...Yeah?" He peered over his shoulder.

"What are you doing?" [Name] had caught up close enough that he was within arm's reach. "Is everything okay...?"

Ravio stared at her for a few silent moments. Then he threw his hands in the air.

"Me and Sheerow got ROBBED!" he cried. "We were just walking home, right? All tuckered out 'n ready to catch some z's, but we came home to our stuff scattered all over the ground! Ransacked! Raided! Can you believe it? We only moved in this morning!" His fingers were fidgeting and he was anxiously pacing as he spoke.

[Name] didn't know what to say.

"So I thought I'd stay in that room—that's the one Her Highness had prepared for me—but who wouldda thought you'd be staying there now? Must be fate, Miss [Name]—this is the second time the gods have brought us together!"


"Oh, I have a key; that's how I got in. You'd probably feel better if you held onto this, huh?" He drew a small silver key out from his pocket, before handing it to her. "Anyway, I don't know what I'm going to do now. I want to find my stuff. But I also want to sleep. Not in that house, though, if it's so easy for thieves to break in. Criminals are bad here, Miss [Name], and I'm an itsy bit panicked! I think I'll go camp out in the woods."

Ravio spun around again, still rambling as he walked away. "That's what I did when I first got to Hyrule, for a few nights. Sleeping 'neath the stars with all those little Hyrulean bugs and things sure was a spiritual experience. I felt bad that I didn't know Lorulean constellations, though; you know how cool it would've been to compare the stars between both worlds? Hey, Miss [Name], you should learn the Lorulean constellations so you can compare them for me once you get back! I mean, not like there'll be any way for you to contact me, but just knowing you'll get to see 'em means a lot, you know?"

...Ravio drawled into so many different subjects one after the next; [Name] couldn't keep up. This was totally different than how he'd acted in Princess Hilda's presence.

She did catch the part about him planning to go sleep out in the woods, though, and she was not going to allow that. Not if she could help it.

"Ravio..." she sighed. "You can sleep in my room, if you want."

"Oh—! Really?"

[Name] almost felt heartbroken by how surprised he sounded. Of course she would. He had been more than willing to help her out earlier that day; it wouldn't be right to shut the door on him when he needed help too.

They could call it even.

Soleil ✧ Ravio x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن