Looking up at the sky, I couldn't grasp the terrible feeling that something was coming. The storm, the darkness that came with it. It was terrifying and nerve wrecking at the same time and right now I couldn't tell where the vision or dream was coming from. The misty air sent chills down my spine, the wind picked up a bit but it felt good so I layed back on the grass with my legs in front of me bent at the knees. I closed my eyes, not wanting to dose off but just relaxing for a bit.

I thought about my powers, how they felt right now at ease and relaxed until it was time for them to do what they were given to me for. They sat in the darkest parts under my skin in my blood, I could hear them as they silently talked in whispers.


They said my name followed with laughter and the corner of my lips tugged a bit. My eyes had remained shut, the only thing keeping me on this surface right now was thinking about my friends and my Mom and Dad. Dad, how I missed him so much and wish I could talk to him already. Why doesn't he call? Then I think about Mom, how I let this happen. How if I was so much as aware of what this power would have become a while ago, I could've saved her from those people that killed her.

And my friends, all of them being put into danger because of me. The vision of how they all end of dead makes my heart crash, my emotions get the best of me. Now it feels as if I'm floating away from them, like the thoughts that bring sorrow have allowed me escape from reality but I don't want to open my eyes. If it's true, if I have made it to another dimension in the living then I'm scared to face whatever it is I'm destined to be for all the wrong I've caused. I'm just scared.

It's okay to be scared Zoe

Something tugs on my arm and I open my eyes only to be blinded by the light from the sky again. I haven't gone anywhere, I can feel the same grass as my hands hit the surface to sit myself up. Its quiet, too quiet and I blink to adjust my eyes before I look into the distance.

My eyes widen, fully awake now. I'm not home. I'm somewhere else, I can feel it and even though it looks exactly the same as Susan's backyard I can still tell I'm not in her backyard. The fog begins to set in all around me as I rush to my feet.

Its quiet, I look around and I'm the only person here. Theres not one other person in sight as I do a spin on my heels.

"Hello?" I call lightly. Not too loud, if I were somewhere I was not supposed to be the last thing I want to do is get caught.

I turn around again, Susan's house in the distance but no sign of Susan or anyone else. I turn back toward the front and then someone's body comes merging into view. I squint trying to make out who it is, my feet move forward and it just feels right. Theres no sign of danger and this is my vision, nothing should be able to hurt me. But what if I'm wrong?

"Um, hello?" I say again, quieter this time.

They turn to me and their form changes into something else, someone with more depth and color. They hair grows to a long length down the back, a light blue shirt comes into view with some jeans. The cream colored skin shines brighter than anything I've ever seen before in my life and the eyes, they turn to meet me and I immediately stop in my tracks.

"Mom" I cover my mouth with my hand, she smiles and I can't even believe what I'm seeing.

"Mom!" I run to her and she holds her arms open for my embrace. I crash into her but she doesn't move, her warm body embracing me and the tears that slip from my eyes hit her shirt. She runs a hand down my back and over my hair.

"I missed you so much Mom" I tell her. She doesn't speak.

I break away from her and look into her face. Her ocean blue eyes stare into mine but there's something different about them. I look closer and they move like water, sparkles like glitter shine all over them. She's wearing a light lipstick shade and her face is so perfect, its kinda hard to look at.

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