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I sat up quick in the bed I had layed in. My head and arms was drenched in sweat as I looked around at my body, my bed and my room. I let out a breath and closed my eyes before I ran both my hands over my face.

There was something, something that woke me up from the nightmare I was having except it wasn't a nightmare but a vision and I couldn't do anything about what happened. The images and screams and blood, all I could see was that and I couldn't do anything to stop those things from happening.

This time it wasn't those metal eyes or Mom or even Dad but he was there. Dad was there and so was my friends. And Mom, she was the one who warned me. Why does it feel so real? Like something that was coming, something that was already here? Because maybe it was coming. The future was going to be a nightmare and I had to stop whatever was going to happen from happening.

I moved the covers slowly and crawled to the end of the bed, hanging my legs off the edge. My head fell, my blonde white hair covered my face and for some odd reason my eyes felt wide, awake and alive.

I stood and walked to the bags I hadn't unpacked since we got here, I just felt like I shouldn't. I grabbed some clothes and rushed to the bathroom, I wanted to take a quick shower thinking maybe it'll wash away the small pain I could still feel and the small aching headache that lingered on in my head at the moment. Just thinking about what happened in the vision made it worse, my head pounded like someone pounding a door with nails and those nails stuck. They weren't to be removed until the problems, all the problems I had were fixed.

I removed my clothes and turned on the hot shower, using the toilet to let the bathroom fog up. I needed the heat and I needed the cold, just like I need the powers I hold. My powers felt like hot and cold and the way they sometimes balanced but also dispised each other. I step in and allowed the shower to cool my senses and the throbbing in my head before I started to wash myself. I turned the cold knob, letting it mix with the hot. The aching in my back and my arms, my head all felt relaxed and I had became scarce for just a minute thinking about the tension and migraine returning.

I turned both knobs off and stepped out the shower, grabbing the towel to wrap around my body. I step in front of the mirror just to see what a wreck I was becoming but as soon as I looked up, I was completely baffled by my sight. My skin was glowing and just realized my nails were longer, I opened my mouth seeing that my fangs also grew an inch or two. I looked completely different but not as though you couldn't recognize me. A smile formed on my lips as I stared at my face. My hair was a shiny pale blonde, my cheekbones were higher and my face was clear of any marks. But then the lights flashed just like they did before and the smile was instantly gone.

I bite my lip nervous as I looked up into the lights on the ceiling. They grew darker and brighter and darker and brighter until they just turned off completely. I looked around the bathroom, I could still see from the light coming through the curtain but the lights above my head had stayed off for what felt like forever as I stood there waiting for them to come back on.

When they did, one of the burst. The sound of glass hitting the plate around the lightbulbs. I looked up and I could see glass spread across the plate, I shook my head and looked back at the mirror at my eyes. They were so purple and so dark they almost looked black.

"The hell-"

I leaned my face toward the mirror more and blinked a few times to clear my vision. The purple glowed even though it was being consumed by darkness. There were lines in them, the viens in them were black and the outlines of them were purple. I've never seen them like this before, they stood out and somehow I wondered if it had anything to do with the full moon.

I fixed my body upright now and tightened the towel around me before I opened the bathroom door and went out into the room. I immediately rushed over to my bags and squatted looking into my bag for another towel to dry my hair. I didn't have one and I stood thinking maybe I should just let it air dry instead.

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