Vulnerable Isn't Weak

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Jamie yipes and jumps, nearly drops her scroll and goes on to tell me that he's not in Beacon, her eyes suddenly widen as she shows me that he is near the initiation cliff and surrounded by Grimm!

The elevator finally hits ground level and we all take off towards the cliff, Robin even repeating, "I will save my father or my name isn't Robin" she looks adorably determined.

Hold on baby, momma's commin'!


Hawke POV:

I can hear them closing in, stupid creatures! I can hear them. It almost sounds like they're laughing? Are they laughing at me? After all I have been through they come here and when I needed time alone they laugh at me?!

I wait for a Beowulf to get ballsy enough to try to approach me. BIG mistake. These dumbass fucks thing I came all the way out here to just cry? Nah. I came here to blow off some steam.

Me: Never laugh at me, or I'll start acting crazy!

I wait for it to get close and activate my aura, they all suddenly seem to realize it was a mistake to take me on when I grab the nearest Grimm and shove my fist through its rib-cage causing it to drop dead. I smirk when they all start to howl and begin to charge me. I duck under the claws of an Ursa minor and push a Beowulf in my place, it becoming eviscerated in the process. I jump onto the back of the Ursa and ride it, making it smash the others. After killing most of the Grimm I pull out my baseball-bat and turn it into its shotgun mode. I put the shots point blank into the skull of the Ursa and its body fall down off the cliff. I turn around and see that very few Grimm remain and decide that the ones that are left aren't worth my time.

Me: Next time bring an actual fucking challenge!

What I didn't notice is the massive Death-stalker stinger heading towards me, but before it could hit I hear the words of a little girl

?: Have no fear, for I am here!

I see a green blur hit me in the side and tackle me to the ground. Not going to lie it hurt like a mother fuc-

My thoughts were interrupted by three women approaching the death-stalker and proceeding to kill it in a horrible, yet erotically destructive way!

I go to stand up but the little green blur is still holding me

Me: Uh... little girl? Please let go sweetie!

?: Nope!

Me: Nope?

?: Nope! I'm not letting you go daddy!

The fuck?!

Me: What id you just call me?

The girl just hugged me tighter and started to cry a little, I don't know why but I pulled her closer and rocked her in my arms. I don't really understand what came over me but I felt that then and there I just had to protect her from anything. I put my finger under her chin and force her to look at me.

I take note of her eyes, silver with a purple hue. Reddish hair and a green hat. A green dress with reddish orange leggings and brown shoes.

Me: So you like green huh?

?: Yes! It's one of my favorite colors! I'm glad you noticed daddy!

Me: Uh yeah, so you know It's rude not to introduce yourself to people right?

?: Oh! You're quite right! Ahem, My name is Robin Rose-Branwen! It's a pleasure to meet you daddy!

Me: A-and how old are you?

Robin: I will be six in a few short months!

No. Nonononononono. This isn't actually MY daughter right? She's just got me confused with Taiyang or something! I can't be her dad. Not with HER as a mother! No way did I leave a innocent little angel with HER!

Me: So Robin? Do you know my name?

Robin looks puzzled for a moment, but before she could answer someone who I didn't want to talk to answered for her.

Qrow: Hawke! Are you alright?! Those Grimm didn't hurt you right?

I quickly stood up with Robin in my arms and walked over to Jamie, I handed her to Jamie and asked her to take her to my sisters dorm. She complied only after seeing just how late it was and noticing that Robin had already fallen asleep in her arms.

Me: Goodbitch, go away!

She too went back to Beacon but with a blushing face.

Me: And then there was one! So what the hell do you want?

Qrow is taken aback by the fact I'm actually talking to her. She quickly gains a look of determination before grabbing me and hugging me.

Me: Let go of me!

Qrow stood fast and stayed silent

Me: I said let go dammit! After everything you want to hug me, now?!

She continued to stay silent and I began to cry

Me: So now you want me?! Now you come back and say you love me and want me to act like nothing happened! That you didn't abandon me? That I wasn't abused and tormented by my family?! That I wasn't RAPED?! HUH?! YOU WANT ME TO PLAY PRETEND?! IS THAT IT?

I can't hold it anymore and I just cry

Me: Why? Why'd you leave? What made me so horrible, so monstrous that you couldn't stand to even love me? What did I do to make you not love me?

She just hugs me. Every once and a while she would rub my back or kiss my forehead

Me: Did I not deserve to be loved then? Did I hurt you? Was It something I did?

Qrow: No. It was never you. The moment I saw you with my own eyes, you were perfect. I loved you the second I felt you kick inside me. And when I knew I couldn't be there I took you and gave you to to people you should never have been with, and I will never be able to tell you how sorry I am. But I will try, even if it kills me, to be the best damn mother I can. But only if you let me.

We both cried that night. We both felt to blame. We both knew the other wasn't responsible.

Eventually she stopped hugging me. I fell to my knees, still crying. Sobbing. Broken. But not giving up.

Qrow: So what do you say? Can we try? Try to be family, just once? Please?

Me: ......

Qrow: I know I'm not qualified to be a mom, hell I can barely be an aunt. But please, give me a chance?!

Me: ......

Qrow: 'sigh' I guess I should have seen this coming. You want nothing to do with me right?

Me: ......

Qrow: I-I..... I love you Hawke. I always have.

She gets up to leave and almost does

Qrow: 'crying' I s-should g-go now!

But before she goes I grab her hand.....

Me: ..... One chance......


She smiles and rapidly nods, teary eyed. But no longer sad. Just really happy.

Qrow: One chance.... I can do that.

And so we walk back into Beacon. Broken. Together. Family.

Unwanted SonUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum