Birds Eye View Part 2.

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Raven POV: 4 weeks after Hawke left

I ran. Like a coward I ran. I don't know what to do. I can't go back to Tai, I can't go back to Ozpin, the tribe.... I don't know but I guess that's the last place to go. I-I can't get his face out of my head. The fear in his eye, the one that wasn't bleeding from getting thrown through a window. I can't even tell myself that is was an accident, because it wasn't. I carved a smile into my nephew's face and I don't even know why....

Ever since I laid my eyes on him I had heard a voice. It called to me, telling me to hurt him. At first I ignored it but it just got louder and louder until it was all I could hear! There was no escape from that voice. It's gone now. I haven't heard it since Hawke left. I hope that he can forgive me.

Who am I kidding? I'm Raven Branwen, the decedent of murderers and thieves! I deserve no forgiveness... but I want it. No I need his forgiveness! Maybe I should track him down and ask for his forgiveness. He may want me to beg, If need be I will get on my hands and knees and beg for him to forgive me! But I can't find him alone... the tribe! Yes! They have the resources to find him!

I know what I have to do.....

Taiyang POV: 4 weeks after Hawke left

I can't believe what I did. I hurt my wives by cheating on them. I hurt my daughters by threatening them. I hurt my son by abusing him! Oum almighty I'm a monster. That's why I started drinking more. It started out small, a shot here a beer there, but now I'm downing whiskey by the bottle. Anything to drown out the thought of what I did to my son.

I know he didn't do anything to Summer. Summer did something to him! But it didn't matter cause when I saw Summer naked and in the same bed as him... I lost it and I threw him out the window! The freaking window on the second floor! I hope he's alright. Some father I am, I hit my only son, scare my daughters, cheat on my wives, and at this point the only thing keeping me going is the vain hope that Hawke will forgive me someday!

I have been drinking again. I left the house after seeing Summer in bed with him. That was four weeks ago. I ran out of lien two weeks ago, so I have been taking any hunting missions that I come across. They keep me on the go a lot but It gives me a chance to try and find any leads on Hawke.

Don't worry bud, I promise to find you and be the best damn father I can be! Even if it takes me a lifetime, we can begin again and do all the things we should have done! Go fishing, play video games, watch sports and we could even have your first beer! I need to find him and tell him, I love my son and if it kills me I will make sure he knows it!

( Sorry but this is just filler)

Unwanted Sonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن