Unwelcome Reunions

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3rd POV:

Qrow walked forward in shock, was this man her baby? She wanted to hug him. To hold him and not let go. But the words that he said stopped her in her tracks.

Hawke: I am Not. Your. SON!

Qrow couldn't stop the tears from escaping her eyes, nor the whimpers from her mouth. She just dropped to her knees looking at her son. The one she abandoned. The one who despises her.

Hawke looked behind his "mother" to see a couple of familiar, albeit not unwelcome faces

Ruby: AAAHHH! Big Bro!!!

She launched forward trapping him in a hug

Ruby: HI!

Yang looked at her little brother in awe. He looked so different, she smiled and leaped onto Ruby and grasped her younger siblings in a vise like hug, all the while tearing up in joy of finally reuniting with her dearest brother!

While Hawke was turning purple from the lack of air, three more people joined the family reunion. Three hated people.

Taiyang: H-Hawke?

Hawke suddenly stood up from his near death experience "provided by Yang's breasts" and looked at the man in front of him

Hawke: Well well well! If it isn't the three headed hell hound know as my parents!

Taiyang steps forward only to be pushed away from Hawke by Glynda Goodwitch

Glynda: Mr. Xiao Long, please refrain from any unwanted physical contact with Mr. Hawke!

Raven: He's trying to hug his son!

Raven shouted as she stepped forward to defend Taiyang like she had so many times before, unbeknownst to everyone else present Hawke eyes had not left one person who hadn't said a word since entering the room.

Summer Rose.

Emerald POV:

This is getting kinda annoying! It was bad enough that they hurt Hawke once but now they are just ignoring him! 'Sigh' At least Hawke grabbed our little bundle of adorabull-ness Duncan and put him in his backpack. I can't believe I just used one of Hawke's shitty puns! 'ugh' When can this be over?!

I look over to Hawke and he's completely ignoring the argument going on beside him, he's just staring over at.... oh shit....

Hawke: You...

Ozpin POV:

Everyone stopped. His voice... there was no joy or love... only pain.... and... fear...

Never in all my years have I felt such heart-wrenching pain from hearing one word.

Me: Mr. Hawke, are you ok?

He begins shaking, his breaths erratic and unsteady. He turns to me and... by the brother gods...

He's smiling. But his eyes are pouring tears.

I stand up and can do nothing but embrace him. He breaks down in my arms crying and saying no, over and over again.

Me: Glynda he's having a panic attack!

Her eyes open wide and she uses her semblance to push everyone outside, against their protests.

Me: Mr. Hawke? Please I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong! Look it's just you, Ms. Goodwitch, Mrs. Hawke? And me.

He just keeps shaking and crying. What did this?

Glynda: Professor Ozpin, What should I do?!

Me: For once Glynda, I don't actually know. There is something that they didn't tell us.

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