I Wonder What Happened To...

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Hawke POV:
Well this is awkward I mean I thought Ozprick would pull something like this, but he didn't know about Summer.... I almost feel bad for leaving Yang and Ruby with her. But I knew Summer would never actually HURT Ruby, she's her precious little girl! And Yang.... well she's...


She sobbed into my chest, I just smiled and pat her hair. She stiffened momentarily before hugging me and crying, she only ever let Ruby and I to touch her hair.

Ruby: I'm so sorry that mom did that to you!
Hawke: Rubes do you even know what she did?

Ruby didn't say anything but slowly nodded her head while whimpering, I couldn't stand seeing my sweet little sister hurt like that so I brought her into the hug with Yang and we all just cried while in the elevator.... good thing Emerald grabbed Duncan from me!

Me: Shh hey, it's ok Yang, I'm ok Ruby! I'm here, I'm right here....
I don't see this ending anytime soon....
I wonder what everyone else is doing right now?

Steve POV:

Me: And that is how I saved Mr. Hawkes life~

I look down at the girl that's been sitting at the bar for over an hour now and see her banging her head against the bar in boredom or excitement.... Excitement yeah, that's it!

Me: So can I get you anything? Because if not I'm gonna ask you to leave.

?: If you would have shut up for one minute you would have heard me asking for a mudslide!

I apologize and quickly make her drink....

Me: I uh, never caught your name miss....

She sets down her glass and and smiles before lighting a cigarette with her fingers

?: My name is Amber Autumn, and I'm looking for Hawke Branwen!

Me: 'Oh why does he get all the hot chicks?And where the hell is Knightmare?!'

Knightmare POV:

?: Are you ready to answer our questions yet?

Me: For over a year, you and your people have been experimenting, torturing me and generally being horrible hosts, and you think I'll answer any questions you may have about my employer? Why should I Tell. You. ANYTHING?!

? Started shaking in his boots, not in fear but in anger and embarrassment. He had been humiliated in front of the Atleasian council and rejected for a promotion. He lost to his sister, not only the job he desired but her love and respect as well. And his daughter. She started all of this simply for loving my boss.

Me: So if we're going to be here longer, allow me to properly introduce myself!

I change my appearance from the armor I had been wearing into a more... comfortable appearance! My chest plate turned into a long black coat and my greaves became black pants.

Me: My name is Damian Wayne. And I of course know who you are. Head of Research and Development, commanding officer for the security council of Atlas Academy, Lt. General James Ironwood....

Unwanted SonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora