You are my today, tomorrow, and forever (JeongChan)

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Requested by the lovely _CrossGeneFlower_ I hope you like it!

*Chan's P.O.V.*
I sat on the couch, motionless, staring at my jacket that was hung up by the door. I felt my stomach turn and sweat ran down my face. I felt like that small black velvet box was going to burn a hole right through my jacket. Jeongin and I had been dating for 3 years now, he was the best thing that had ever happened to me and I was FINALLY ready to ask him to marry me. So why the hell am I so damn nervous?! I was sweating bullets and I almost couldn't stand it. Suddenly, I felt a pair of warm arms wrap around me and I relaxed instantly. I could feel his fluffy red hair brushing against my sweat-drenched face and smiled.

"Yeobo," He said. "Are you alright? You're covered in sweat, you haven't moved in 15 minutes, and you look like you're going to be sick." I straightened up, wiped the sweat from my face, and smiled at my (hopefully) soon-to-be fiance.

"Yeah, I'm fine jagi. It's just a little hot in here." I responded, slightly tugging the collar of my shirt.

"Oh ok. Here, I'll turn up the ac a bit." He said, walking to the thermostat and adjusting it.

"Thank you, my love." I said, kissing his forehead as he hugged me from behind.

"You're welcome." He responded, smiling as he went back upstairs.

If only he knew. If only.

*3rd person P.O.V.*
"Jeongin, are you ready?" Chan called up the stairs, putting on his jacket and patting the pocket to make ensure that the ring was still there. He heaved a sigh and ran his hand through his purple-streaked, bleach blonde hair.

'What if he says no?' Jeongin came bounding down the stairs, his red hair bounching adorably against his forehead. Chan smiled.

'You know what? I'll take that chance.'

"You look incredible jagiya." He said, planting a chaste kiss on his lovers head.

"Thank you yeobo." Jeongin replied, showing his dimples as he smiled back, hugging the elder. Jeongin slipped on his jacket and tossed Chan his keys. Chan opened the front door, holding it with his foot. He placed one hand on his chest and bowed slightly.

"After you, love." He said, smiling. Jeongin just laughed and walked out to the car. Chan shut the door, locking it, and went to open the car door for Jeongin. Jeongin thanked him and got in. Chan went around to the driver's side and got in as well, starting the car and buckling his seatbelt. He looked over at Jeongin and placed a hand on his leg, giving it a loving squeeze.

"You ready?" He asked. Jeongin nodded.

"Definitly." He replied, smiling.

"Alright, let's go." Chan put the car in gear and pulled out into the street.

Jeongin was looking out the window, singing along to his favorite song and watching the city pass as they drove. Chan kept his eyes trained on the road and listened to his significant other's beautiful singing. The light in front of them turned red and Chan pressed on the brake, bring the car to a stop. He layed his hands in his lap and hummed along to the song as they waited for the light to turn green. The light turned green and Chan started driving again. They were about half way through the intersection when Chan noticed someone driving the wrong way. They were going WAY too fast. Chan bearly had time to react.

"Shit!" He cursed, slamming on the brakes and throwing himself over Jeongin to save him from the impact.

The other person barrelled headlong into the driverside door, spraying Chan with glass and crushing his knee. He screamed in pain but kept his arms locked around Jeongin. The force of the impact shoved the car off the side of the road, causing it to roll down the hill. Every window in the car shattered, showering the couple with glass. The tail end of the car hit a rock, making it turn and throwing both of them against the -now jammed- passenger door. Chan's forehead smacked the door, causing it to bleed. The car continued to roll and two of Chan's fingers got jammed between the buckle of the seatbelt and the center console. A loud crack was heard from his hand and he cried out in agony as he felt his fingers being snapped. The car finally came to a stop when the front end smashed into a tree, engine smoking. Chan groaned in pain. His shirt was destroyed and there was glass stuck in his back in a few places. His knee was wedged between the the crushed driverside door and the bottom of the dashboard. He dislodged his broken fingers from between the seatbelt buckle and the console, wincing when they hit the console. He couldn't see out of his right eye. Everytime he tried to open it, blood from the gash on his forehead would seep into his eye and make it burn. He tried to shift and his seatbelt snapped and he crashed to the dented roof of the overturned car, the force of the fall yanking on his stuck knee.

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