You inspire me {Kim Jongin x reader}

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"Damn it!" You exclaimed, irritated.

You ripped the paper out of your notebook and threw it at the -now overflowing- trashcan for about the hundredth time that day. You had been trying to finish the last piece for your art portfolio for the past 6 hours and were getting absolutely. Fucking. Nowhere. You pushed the (H/C) hair from your face and wiped the sweat from your brow. It was hot and you were ready to give up. You had run out of inspiration.

"I'm not done just yet. I still have one more idea." You grabbed your bag, shoved your sketch pad and some pencils in it, slipped on your shoes, and headed out the door.

~time skip~

You walked past the gate and sat down on one of the park benches. You closed your (E/C) eyes and took a deep breath, listening to the familiar chorus of beautiful birds. You pulled out your sketch pad and a pencil and sat there, watching people and animals go by, waiting for one to catch your eye.

~time skip~

You had been sitting there for about two hours and still had nothing. You were ready to go home because you were pissed off and tired of getting eaten by mosquitoes. You grabbed your bag from the sidewalk and began gathering up your things but stopped when you heard someone walk up to the bench.

"Sorry, but do you mind if I sit?" You looked up and saw -for lack of better words- the most beautiful man you had ever seen.

"Y-yeah, sure, of course." You stammered, stumbling over your tongue.

"Thank you." He said politely, sitting down on the other side of the bench. You looked at your sketch pad for a moment, thinking carefully. You took a breath, shifted slightly to look at the man, and spoke.

"Excuse me." The man turned his head to look at you, his dirty blonde hair shifting with the motion.

"I'm sorry to bother you and this is probably weird, but may I draw you?" The man looked slightly puzzled yet intrigued.

"Sure. Do you want me to move or stand?"

"No, you're fine right there." You said, getting up and sitting on the pavment adjacent to him. the man looked at you and chuckled.

"Should I smile?" He asked jokingly.

"If you want to" You giggled and began drawing.

~time skip~

About two hours of chatting and six hand cramps later, you were finally done.

"That looks amazing!" The man commented.

"Thank you." You said, smiling and admiring your creation. You signed the picture and were about to put everything away when you remembered something.

"By the way, what's your name?"

"Kim Jongin. But everyone calls me Kai." You grabbed your pencil and quickly wrote 'Kim Jongin (Kai)' on the bottom of the paper.

"Now you know my name but, I don't believe I caught yours." Kai said, quirking an eyebrow.

"Oh, I'm sorry. My name is (Y/N)."

"(Y/N). That's a beautiful name. It's appropriate for some one so lovely." You smiled and turned your head, blushing slightly. You brought your wrist into your line of sight and checked your watch.

"Oh shit! I better get back. It's late." You started gathering up your things.

"Hang on" Kai said. He grabbed your pencil and scribbled something on a blank sheet of sheet of your paper.

"Here is my number. I hope that you'll use it." He said, smiling and placing the pencil in your bag. You returned his smile and put the sketch pad in your bag, throwing it over your left shoulder.

"Thank you. I will. It was nice meeting you." "Nice to meet you too." You waved goodbye to him and started back down the street to your apartment, knowing full-well that this wouldn't be the last time you would see the handsome man.


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