I'll come running {Byun Baekhyun x (rich) reader}

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You were sitting in your room, reading (favorite book) when you heard a sound. tick.....tick....tick. You peeked over the cover of your book and didn't see anything so you continued reading. Then, tick....tick....tick.

"God damn it! What the hell could that possibly be at this time of night!"

Swearing under your breath, you walked to the windows, unlatched them, and threw them open, looking down into the ally below your windowsill. You looked around for a second, your bright (e/c) orbs shining with anger, and saw nothing. So you brushed it off again and were about to close your windows when,

"(y/n)!" You looked around, confused.


"Who's there!" You questioned.

"Down here!"

You looked down to see your beloved boyfriend, Byun Baekhyun, standing there in his leather jacket, smiling and waving at you.

"Hey there doll face."

"Hello Baekhyun, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

You giggled when he rolled his eyes at your 'proper talk'.

"Come on. We had a date tonight, don't you remember?"

"Yes of course i-"

You were cut off by a sudden knock on your door. You slammed the windows and shut the curtains. Then you threw yourself on to your bed and pretended to be reading.

"Ms. (L/n)?" It was the maid.

"Come in." You called.

You heard the door open and shut so you closed your book and sat up.

"What is it, Rena?" You asked.

"I just came to see if you needed anything before bed."

"No. I'm fine but thank you."

"Alright. Well good night then."

"Good night."

As soon as you heard the light down the hall turn off, you sprang up, threw open the window, and climbed down the side of the house.

"Shall we?" Baekhyun said, holding out his arm.

"Yes, we shall." You replied, giggling and taking his arm.

*time skip*

It was about 3am and you and Baekhyun had just returned to your house.

"I had fun." You said smiling and turning to him.

"I'm glad. It took me weeks to plan all that." He said, quietly laughing.

You giggled and planted a quick kiss on his lips. Then you turned and climbed back up the side of the house to your window. Once inside, you looked down to where Baekhyun was standing.

"Good night baby."

"Good night. Sweet dreams, princess." He said, sending you one last smile and walking away.

You leaned back inside, shut and locked the windows, then returned to your bed for some much needed sleep.

*time skip*

The next morning you awoke to the screeching your alarm, signaling that it was time for you to get up.

"Oh shut the fuck up, you sorry bastard." You grumbled, slamming your hand on the off button.

Sitting up, you yawned and stretched your arms out. Then, throwing your feet over the side of the bed, you got up and threw open your curtains. You stood there for a second then took a deep breath and sighed.

"Time to start another beautiful day." You said to yourself and went to take a shower.

After taking a shower, you got dressed, brushed out your (h/l) (h/c) locks and put them back into (favorite hairstyle). Then, throwing on some light makeup, you went downstairs for breakfast.

When you got downstairs, you saw your parents and two other adults that you didn't recognize.

"Ah, (y/n)! Good morning, dear!" Your mother said, smiling.

"Good morning mother. Father." You said, returning your mother's smile.

"(Y/n)" Your father spoke up. "This is Mr. and Mrs. Kim and their son." He said, gesturing towards the other family.

"Hello. I'm (l/n) (f/n). Pleased to meet you." The boy bowed and spoke up.

"Hello, (y/n). I'm Kim Jong-Dae. But please, call me Chen." He said, stretching out his hand for you to shake.

You shook his hand and sat down by your mother.

"(Y/n), your mother and I-"

"no its just you, (stepdads name). I want nothing to do with this." Your mother said, acid dripping from her every word.

"Fine. I, would like you to know that Chen is going to be your future husband."

You choked as soon as you heard the word husband.

"No." You said, looking down, your (e/c) eyes blazing with darkness.

"I beg your pardon?" Your step father asked.

You looked up at him.

"I said, no. I will not marry this boy. I'd rather die." You spat.

Your step father looked at you angrily.

"And why not?"

"Because I don't love him and because I just met him. That's why. I love someone else and I refuse to have my marriage arranged by my control freak of a step father!" You said, your voice starting to rise.

"I love someone else as well." Chen spoke. "If she doesn't want to marry me then that's totally fine by me."

His parents and your step father looked outraged. Your step father rose from his seat.

"Why you ungreatful little brat." He went to slap you but your mother stepped in and stopped him.

"Don't you dare strike my daughter. She said she didn't want to marry him and that's that." She spat.

"Rena, will you kindly show the Kims out?"

"Yes ma,am. Right this way."

"I'm very sorry. Your son is a very nice boy but I can't marry someone I don't love. Please understand."

They simply nodded and walked out. You turned on your heel and walked to your mother. Giving her a hug.

"I'll come home either when he is gone or when he fixes his control problem." You said, glaring daggers at your step father.

Your mother smiled and nodded and you ran upstairs.

Once you were upstairs you grabbed your suitcase from under your bed and your old backpack and packed everything you needed, but then you stopped.

"Wait, where am I going to go? I hardly know anyone in this town. Shit. Damn it, I wish Baekhyun were here. He'd know where I could go." You shrank down beside your bed. Then you heard a sound that was all too familiar. Tick...tick...tick. You ran to the windows and threw them open so see Baekhyun standing by his car.

"You ready?" You looked at him, amazed.

"But how did you-"

"I told you this when we started dating, if you're ever in a tight spot and you don't know what to do, just say my name and I'll come running, princess."


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