Donghyuck stepped back first after a couple of seconds and cleared his throat. "I, uhh, I'm going to check inside."

"Yeah," Mark said, nodding, "I'm going to get a drink. Want anything?"

"No, uhm, I'm good for now. Thanks." Donghyuck said and rushed inside, ignoring his thumping heart.

"Why did I do that?" Mark mumbled to himself, walking to the drinks table and pouring himself a drink.

He took a sip and then said, "Oh right, 'cause I'm a dumbass!"

Mark took a couple more sips of his drink, staring into the french window that was opened. He could see Donghyuck walking back and forth, making sure everything was just as he liked it while Mark screamed at himself in his mind for being, in his words, 'An idiotic dumbass that potentially ruined everything.'

Donghyuck walked outside, and already Mark knew that he was conflicted. Donghyuck had always worn his heart on his sleeve and this time was no exception.

Donghyuck was avoiding biting his lips and instead chose to bite on his nail, eyes scanning the garden as if he was looking for something but Mark knew better. He could tell that Donghyuck was just working up the courage to talk to him. Instead of pushing it, Mark kept himself busy, letting Donghyuck take his time. He topped up his already half-empty cup and took a sip.

"Mark," Donghyuck said, walking up to him.

"Yeah?" Mark said, placing his cup on the table.

"I have to ask you for something," Donghyuck said.

"Ask away."

"It might be a little.." Donghyuck said, trying to find the right word.

"Donghyuck," Mark said, "Compromise remember? You can tell me anything."

"This might be a little out of the compromise-" Donghyuck started to say but Mark cut him off.

"You can tell me anything," Mark repeated, "I'm not going to be mad or sad or hurt or whatever. We're friends." (You just put yourself in the friendzone! Bad move, broski!)

"Right, okay," Donghyuck said, breathing out an almost sigh of relief.

Donghyuck stood there, in front of the drinks table, silent.

"Donghyuck?" Mark said more than asked when Donghyuck didn't move or say anything.

"Look, I know that you..." Donghyuck said but stopped halfway.

"I what?"

"No, wait, scratch that," Donghyuck said, waving his hand as if to make his words go away.


"Mark," Donghyuck started, thinking carefully about his words. Just as Donghyuck was about to speak the doorbell rang.

"Mark what?" Mark asked.

"Forget it," Donghyuck said, turning around to walk to the door.

Mark took a couple of steps and caught Donghyuck's wrist, holding it there while Donghyuck turned around. He asked again, "Mark, what?"

"Nothing," Donghyuck said, shaking his head.

"Clearly it's not nothing," Mark said.

The doorbell rang again.

"You don't want to keep everyone waiting," Mark told him, "So tell me."

"Mark, let it go," Donghyuck said.

"No, this is clearly something you want to tell me."

"You're going to get mad," Donghyuck said, his lips turning into a pout.

"I promise I won't."

The doorbell rang again.

"Tell me," Mark encouraged, his eyes softening.

Donghyuck sighed, "I know it's stupid but the people coming here today are our friends. Whether or not they bring their friends with them is another thing...But, just..."

"Just what?" Mark asked, already knowing where this was going, but hoping he was wrong anyway.

"They could become sources in magazines or they might even-"

"Might even tell people that they slept with me?"

"Yeah," Donghyuck breathed out, not able to look him in the eye.

"What are you asking me to do, Donghyuck?"

The doorbell rang again and Donghyuck looked inside the french window as if he could see the door from here.

"I'm asking you not to have sex with anyone at the party tonight."

Mark let Donghyuck's wrist go, hurt written all over his face.

"Look, I know that you haven't had any since we moved in together and I know you have needs," Donghyuck rambled, "But-"

"Just open the door, Donghyuck," Mark said, walking back to the drink table to pick up his full glass.

"Mark.." Donghyuck said, trailing off.

"Your friends are waiting." He said.


"Go. Your friends are waiting." Mark said, back towards Donghyuck as he downed the full contents of his plastic cup.

Not Edited

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Ohhh, drama!

Song recommendation:

"i i i" by suggi

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