He nods approvingly and I smile. I'm glad we can have good conversations and he's not as formal all the time.

Prince Thomas held my gaze for a moment before seeming to snap out of it, looking to the door.

"We should go. Allow me." Prince Thomas says quickly, heading for the door and holding it open for me.

"Thank you." I say as we exit. He flicks the light off in the room before walking with me, offering me his arm to escort me back to my room.

We walk back up quickly and quietly, no one around except a few guards on duty. They all nod at us, or the prince rather, as we pass. Thomas always nods back respectfully.

I feel a little nervous about walking back with the prince at this hour. What assumptions might be made.

However I'm starting to get to know the Princes personality, and I seem to like it. He's funny and kind and attentive. I was excited to get to know him more.

We arrived at my room shortly and Prince Thomas stepped around to face me.

"Thank you, for accompanying me, Miss Isabelle." Prince Thomas bows before me and takes my hand which he kisses ever so lightly.

I can almost feel the side eyes from the guards stationed along the corridor. Even the prince seems to act a little different when he knows we're being watched.

"Thank you, for your time, your highness." I curtsey in return to match before returning to my room as he begins down the hall.

As soon as I close the door I lean my head against it and sigh. I can't believe I fell asleep on the prince.

But then again, I fell asleep on the prince and he didn't push me away.

He laughed at the fact we'd been cuddled up and I'd drooled on him.

Certainly that had to be a sign he didn't hate me. Or maybe he in fact was starting to like me.


The next day Riley helped me get ready into a day dress she had picked out. It was an off the shoulder knee length dress that was a stunning royal blue.

As she dressed me I could tell she was holding her tongue regarding last night. I knew she must have questions. She seemed pleased when I told her I'd had a good time with the prince.

To add to my look, Riley twisted a few ends of my hair skilfully to put it into a half up do.
She pinned a few silver gems within the twists of my hair to add a bit of sparkle.

I changed my earrings to a pair of blue gemstone studs and added a matching necklace to go with it.

Riley then sent me hurriedly downstairs for breakfast, saying I was likely to be late since I slept in.

As I came in the dining room everyone was already seated, so I had to rush over to find a place. Yet I was puzzled to see a new arrangement of tables today.

The girls have 4 different round tables around the room. Each with a coloured sash draped across the middle. I figure it out and move to Amethyst table, sitting beside Yasmin and Indi in the empty seat, and notice I have a direct view of the prince from here.

Prince Thomas suddenly stood from his seat, "Now that everyone is finally here," He shot me a cheeky glance and I ducked my head, "I would like to explain the change in setup. Over the next week with your team you need to prep a welcoming for the extended royal family. Each group is responsible for a different activity throughout the day. More information will be given to you but we ask that you start planning now."

A few butlers entered carrying different coloured file folders and delivered them to the corresponding coloured table.
"These folders have key information including the number of people, time of day, food options and decoration advice. You may chose to host your activity in any room or area of the garden but it cannot be the same as another team."

Once the butler slid the folder onto our table Yasmin quickly snatched it up and flicked through its contents.
"What activity would we want to do? Our time slot it 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm." Yasmin said as she continued to read the booklet.

"How about something thing outdoors, like a picnic?" Harriet suggests to our group in a whisper.

"Yes, the lawn would be a nice spot. With afternoon tea like cakes and small sandwiches." I suggest and see Remy nodding, agreeing.

Indiana pointed to something in the booklet, "It says we should have some form of performance to entertain the guests."

"I could sing, can anyone else sing?" Harriet asked the group and I kept quiet.

"Yes! We could do a duet." Yasmin said with a smile. Harriet and Yasmin share a look and move their chairs to be closer to one another.

"I can play violin." I add in, hoping I could help out performing.

"That's good, maybe Remy and I could do a bit of a magic show, we've been practising a few tricks yesterday." India suggests and I nod.

We plan some ideas and write down the best ones in our folder.

I look over at some of the other teams, Ruby all has their heads together, even Genevieve seems to be pitching in. Sapphire were also working well, quickly and quietly.

Emerald weren't doing so good.
Olive and Lexi seemed to be arguing, totally against each other's ideas and they were all yelling at one another.

I noticed that the royals, including the king, were watching them with disapproving faces.

"You trying to ruin this for us." Lexi yelled at Olive, throwing the booklet over the table at the girl.
Everyone in the room went silent as Lexi stormed out the room and not a moment later Olive left too out the side door.

After a moment everyone went back to their tasks and chatter filled the room again.

The prince stood and came over to Amethyst table to Harriet.
"My lady, would you like to accompany me on a date?"

And before breakfast had even begun the prince whisked Harriet out the door.

The Non British PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now