Chapter Eleven - Ilda's Synesthesia Mishaps

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Ilda Tenya was wandering the halls of UA. He didn't know how he was supposed to be a hero if he couldn't hear anything. He'd figure it out though, after all, his entire family had been heroes. He was somewhat destined to be a hero... but... could he help people if he couldn't even help himself? 
He suddenly felt a tap of the shoulder, whipping his head around, he saw the one and only Bakugou Katsuki- his first and currently only friend. 
Sup four eyes. Are you okay? 
"Oh yes! I am fine. How are you doing, Bakugou-kun?" 
Pretty good, honestly. Are you ready for Aizawa's test? 

"Yeah! I'm sure it'll be fine!" said Ilda with a bright smile, "Aizawa-sensei is probably just trying to scare us."
Bakugou nods and puts his thumbs up. The two walked to Aizawa-sensei's room together. 

Ilda watched the room intently, Aizawa-sensei had gone to sleep a few minutes ago. Ilda watched as his only friend, Bakugou, was talking to his group of friends. There were a variety of people there. One had bright, red, spiky hair and bright red eyes. Another had a flattish face with long black hair and onyx eyes. The only girl in the group had... pink skin?! She had pink hair and her cerla were... black?! Her eyes were a bright, intimidating yellow. The final boy had blonde hair with a black streak through it. His dark yellow eye tricking them, as he smiled brightly to the rest of the room. They seemed like a bright and happy group. He was happy that Bakugou had found friends. 

He sat at his desk awkwardly. Not being able to hear, nor see very well... was difficult. He had aced the exam, miraculously. It had been lucky that he managed to dodge all the robots with his decaying hearing. Whist Ilda sat there in his memories, someone else came up to talk to him. Curiously, Ilda looked up and saw two bright, green eyes looking down at him. He saw his lips moving. Ilda awkwardly nodded along, pretending to understand even a bit of what he was saying. 

Then, Bakugou came over and started yelling at the green-haired boy. The green-haired boy's eyes widened and he began to, at least it looked like, him apologizing profusely. Ilda shook his hands to the side, saying, "It's fine. You didn't know." 
The green-haired boy found a piece of paper and wrote down the name 'Midoriya'.  
"Nice to meet you, Midoriya-san." 

Learning how to balance Aizawa-sensei's unique sense of teaching and suffering from Synesthesia was very hard in the beginning. There were even some times he thought about quitting. But, it was also funny in some aspects. Because, when Aizawa-sensei tried to make a dramatic speech, it totally went over his head. Aizawa-sensei would stand there for a few seconds and study Ilda's facial expressions- which to his amusement, never seemed to change. 

Ilda was walking down to the lunchroom when he bumped into someone, she had pink hair in ringlets, bright yellow eyes and a pair of goggles on her head to protect her eyes. She was part of the mechanics class? If he was correct. He had never been really romantically interested in anyone but as his eyes racked over her body... he felt his face flush. 

The girl was staring curiously at him. Her eyes were searching for something, he didn't know what. As she looked at him, he felt himself stand up a little straighter. He knew he had to get to the lunchroom because if he didn't eat than he'd be an even bigger nuisance!

"Excuse me," he said politely, "I am sorry for bumping into you."  
She nodded, and sighed, "You should be!" 
He shrugged and walked off. She chased after him, seemingly at a huge amount of speed. 
Ilda, being deaf, didn't hear her. She thought he was simply ignoring her, she was furious at the thought. After all, she was the Hatsume Mei. 

She stormed up to him and turned him around, his face was shocked and she studied his face quickly and quietly. He was caught off gaurd by the pink-haired girl who suddenly appeared in front of his face. She was lecturing him about something, though he had no idea what. He wondered what she was fuming over. He was, to say the least, utterly confused. 

Midoriya looked at Ilda in confusion, with the tilt of his head, he was asking what had taken him so long. There were only 10 minutes left for lunch. Ilda sighed, "I was held up. By someone in another class." 
Ah. Sorry! Here, we saved you lunch 
"Thank you, Midoriya-kun." 
He nodded before turning back to talk to Uraraka-san about something. She seemed to be staring over at... Bakugou?
"Are you staring at Bakugou?" asked Ilda with a hint of confusion, "Why would you be... do you like him?"
Uraraka's face flushed, n-no! of course n-not! 
He chuckled lightly, "Sure... I can introduce you. We're friends."
Her face lite up, r-really?! you'd do that? 

"Of course," smiled Ilda, but didn't understand that slight hurt in his chest.


hey, four-eyes! What can I do for you? 

"This is my friend, Uraraka-san, and my other friend Midoriya-san. They wanted to meet you. Midoriya says you have been acquainted since you were younger?" 

Bakugou glared at the green-haired boy, technically yeah. why? 

"Oh! I was wondering if we could all hang out?"

Sure, four-eyes. whatever makes you happy.


SO, I am so so so so so so so so so so so sorry for not updating in FOREVER!!!! *bows continuously*  I really did mean to post this chapter but I never got around to finishing it.  I am sorry if it seems really rushed! T^T I tried! Anyway, yes there is slight!IldaBaku. Idk i thought it was cute, it's not gonna happen romantically(or will it dun dun dun!) but i still think it's cute to write. also, every vote and comment keeps me motivated! if you enjoy a chapter, please do vote on it and it will inspire me to write more! I hope everyone is staying safe during this pandemic thing! Please, don't die. *insert puppy eyes* 



FallingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora