Chapter six - Jirou's Over focused ADD is brought up

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Kyoka was not someone who liked to multitask... or people who do it in general. She knows it's probably because of her disorder, over focused ADD, but she still does not like it one bit.
So, she has a hard time getting along with Present Mic... who's constantly doing multiple things at once. Grading to teaching to yelling encouragements to shipping and who knows how much more he does at one time. All Kyoka knows is... it really messes with her head.
For a long time, she know Kaminari Denki stared at her. She thought at the beginning of their first year that he had said he has bipolar disorder, but he only seemed happy around their class. So she suspected he lied, that he didn't really have another side... turns out she judged a little too quickly.
It wasn't until she had to go to his parents mental asylum with him that she realized that he does go to depressive sads. After all, when they got home, he was already slouching, not talking, and even when he knew everyone's stares were on him, he still stared ahead and frowned.
And she swears she heard sobbing from his room not even moments before he got in his room.

But, now that she was dating him, she had a really hard time dealing with his bipolarity disorder... but knew she couldn't make it through her own with out him. He had become a form of support... something she could lean onto when she was upset with her quirk, her performance, her disorder, etc. They had become each other's support links they needed. That was a fact, but she didn't know if he would stay.
Even if he adored her...
And they had already fought a few times.

"Kyoka-Chan!" Called out the goofy voice of her beloved boyfriend, Kaminari Denki.
"Denki. What's wrong?"
He then kissed her and said, "Te amo mucho!"
"What? Did you just speak Spanish?"
"Did you get hit with a quirk or something?"
"Then why?"
"Spanish is the language of love!"
"What was the first thing you said to me...?"
"Don't worry about it! I'll tell you in due time!"
"Your such a dork."
"Am not!"
Kyoka knew this conversation was going nowhere... so why did she want to continue it?
"Yes you are, Denki! You are such a dork. It's adorable."
His face flushed brightly, ah that's why, she thought, him blushing is the cutest thing ever. Besides his smile of course.
"Anyway...! Are you ready for this years sports festival?"
"Yep! I'm ready to win this time!"
"Same! Class 2-A is gonna kick ass! Bakugou we're coming for your title!"
"Sure, whatever you say dunce face and earphones." Bakugou says amused, his arm around Ochako. She was smiling brightly, "I'm gonna do my best this year too! I'm determined to win! I'm gonna beat you Katsuki!"
"Oh whatever, angleface."
"He lets you call him..."
"Woah. Such power."
"Anyway, Kyoka, I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight?"

So, they ended up first going to a movie, which she throughly and surprisingly enjoyed, and then they went to this band which lasted pretty long, about 6 hours, then they found their way back to the dorms. All she knew was, keeping up with him was really hard sometimes. He just wanted to move move move while she would rather sit and smell the flowers. But she can understand, if he stops for too long his sadness starts to show. But for her, as long as she keeps moving, the more her mind yells at her to stop and dump him right then and there.
"Did you enjoy it? I know you don't like go go go sort of dates but I knew you'd like the movie and band playing so I thought-"
"I did. It was a lot of fun! Thank you for taking me out. Next time, we should just watch a movie in my room."
"That'd be nice."
"Good night, idiot. I... I love you." She said quickly, kissing his lips before slamming the door. She waited until she knew he was gone before going into the living room again. Why did she say that?! What had caused her to say that...? She knew she felt the emotion... but she didn't know why she had said it first. As if was Friday, she could avoid him... but why did she not want to? Why did she want the continue to fall in his arms? Why?
Simply put, because she loved him.

"Kyoka! I know you're in there! Let me in!"
She felt herself get off her bed and walk to the door.
"Good morning, dork."
"Good morning love. May I come in?"
He walked in and made sure to shut the door; then pounced on her and pushed her to the bed.
"That was kinda rude, telling me you love me then pushing me out."
"B-but I know you don't love m-me so..."
"How do you know that?"
"Well I-"
"That's right. You don't. In fact... I said I loved you."
"When I was speaking in Spanish."
"Sorry, love."
"You should let me in last night... now I'm gonna have to punish you. What's your safe word?"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Safe word. So I know when to stop."
"Okay... then... shall we?"
"Wait...! What are we even doing-"
Then, Denki pushed his lips to hers. Understanding that she had probably never done this before, guided her hands. He moved her hands, which had been sitting on his chest, down to his thighs. Her breathing was starting to get deeper and her eyes were starting to close. She could feel his tounge pushed up against her lips, begging to be let in.
She gave in.
"Good girl."
"Sh. No talking from you, okay?"
She simply nodded. As to reward her, he pressed his lips against hers again and they fell into rythem.

"Denki!" She screamed, " why are you still In here?"
"Because it's literally four in the morning?"
"Fuck you Denki-"
"But I just did-"
"No you didn't, we didn't go all the way."
"Oh whatever, close enough. Someone sure is a power bottom."
"Oh whatever."

"Kaminari... why are you coming out of Jirous room?"
"Because she had a nightmare last night and asked me to stay."
How could he lie so easily, wondered Kyoka, it was like second nature.
"Is this true, Miss. Jirou?"
She found herself nodding.
"Oh whatever. Just make sure to use protection."
"Please Jirous an awful liar. Just don't get pregnant or get STDS their both too much money."
"I don't care let me go back to sleep."

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