Chapter Five - Kaminari's bipolarity cases

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Kaminari Denki was not someone who could control his emotions very well. They were either very 'Hazza' or very 'Depresso'.
Denki mostly had his Hazza moments around his classmates, and even though they suffered from mental illnesses as well, he didn't want to bring it upon them. He wanted them to be happy. So he was a ball of sunshine to make them happy... especially Jirou Kyoka, who suffers from Overfocused ADD. He would not lie, he has been crushing on her for at least 6 months. But she obviously did not harbor those same feelings... as much as he wished she did.

"Kaminari. Nezu wants to see you."
"Oh... is it that time of the month?"
Awiza nods. Kaminari sighs, "okay."

"Principal Nezu?"
"Ah! Kaminari, how are you doing?"
"We're doing fine- I'm doing great!"
"Yea... only shows up when I'm alone or alone with one person."
"Well, what is it?"
"It branded off my Bipolarity and basically made a second voice that talks/thinks."
"That's not... good."

Knock. Knock.
"We're here."
It was Awiza and... Jirou.
"She's gonna go with you. Because of your condition."
They raised an eyebrow, as he has never willingly let someone go with him. Denki doesn't like people going with him because... he doesn't want people to feel bad for him. But... this is an amazing opportunity to spend time with Jirou without her going berserk!

"Kaminari Denki? Is it really that time of the month again?" Asked the reception, "Your parents are in their room."
"Hey, Kaminari... where are we?" Asked Jirou from behind him. Denki sighed, "Insane Assylum."
"W-why are we here?"
"I'm here to visit my parents. You're here for emotional support I guess."
"Your parents are-"
"Yeah, my parents are 'insane'."
"Were they diagnosed? If so, when?"
"Well... when my mom was on the job, she was an engineer, some chemical gas hit her. Apparently it messed with her head and she drove my dad crazy... they won't tell me how."
"Do... do they hurt you?"
"No... the recognize me, I don't think they could ever hurt me. Despite what the 'doctors' say. I'm pretty sure they can't fix them, so they're just keeping all the insane people in one place. Which means, they're probably doing something too them. Every time I come back, they seem a little more off the rocker."
"Wow... I'm... I'm sorry."
"Not your fault."
"I can't believe how... crappy your crap is. Why do you act so... happy go lucky all the time...?"
"Because if others think I'm happy, I'll be okay. Thank you though, the worry is appreciated."
Jirou couldn't help but stare at Denki, worry filling her heart. She tries not to stare, but her eyes wander back to him, and if he notices, he doesn't say anything.

"Hey, mom, dad. It's me, Denki. I'm back to visit." he says softly, two people with bright yellow eyes and one had long blonde hair, while the other had short black hair. They looked so... happy to see him.
"Denki! You came and visited your mother again! She feels so loved!" cried a woman, tears filling her eyes.
"Denki, you came to visit your father! He is so happy!" called out the man next to her.
Then, they started at each other.
Denki sighed, "Everyone. Please calm down. I am both of yours, remember?"
"Oh, yes. Thank you denki-chan."
He nodded, but not before glancing behind him at Kyoka. She was standing in the back corner, waiting patiently.
"Jirou... these are my parents. Mom, Dad, this is Jirou... my-"
"I'm his girlfriend. It's a pleasure to meet you, Kaminari-San, Kaminari-San."
Denki's face flushed a bright red and stuttered out an agreement though. His parents stared at her with calculating eyes. Then, a bright smile filled both of their faces, and then shouted their happiness! "Yes! Yes! You are perfect for our little Denki!"
Denki was still shell shocked, but was happy.

"Girlfriend huh?"
"No, I-"
"Nah, it's okie. I like you too." Denki said with a smile, and kissed her forehead softly. Kyoka found herself melting in his arms.
"You wanna come with me again?"
"Yeah, that'd be nice. They're very... entergetic."
"Psh, that's barely even explaining it."
"Whatever you say Kaminari-"
"Call me Denki."
"O-oh! I-in that case... call me Kyoka."
"Okay, Kyoka."

And then the two walked back to the dorm rooms; whole and happy.

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