Once at the new house, Roma sat down. "You know, I've been thinking about names for her. I can't decide between Darcey, Clara, and Ethelinda." Verity scowls. "I don't really like the name, Clara. Sounds too much like Claude," she says, slightly cringing. "That's the point. She already is taking Frollo as her last name." Roma said rolling her eyes. "Fine. Then her middle name will be Romana. And you don't get to refuse. She needs to be reminded of both of her parents," says Verity. "It almost sounds I'm going to die," Roma laughed. Verity laughs, as well. "Yeah, that's kinda dark. But it also balances out." Roma smiled but it soon turned to a frown. "What if she ends up like her father Verity? She is technically a villain kid." Verity scoffs. "So is Shane. But I'm raising him to be good. Why do you think I moved out of New Orleans when I did? I don't want his dad getting into his head." "Has he contacted you again?" Roma asked referring to Facilier. "Countless times. I blocked his number, but then he started to send letters to my house," says Verity. "I swear, I'm gonna divorce him so I can get a restraining order on him one day." "At least one good thing came out of it. For both of us," Roma said placing a hand on her pregnant belly. "Verity, I have to ask you something really important." Verity looks at Roma with intrigue. "If something does happen to me, will you take Clara? She needs someone other than guards raising her. And I don't want her to be raised in the Court. I love Clopin don't get me wrong. He is practically my brother but most likely, if something happened to me, well, she doesn't need to be in a place that guards will try and grab her when she just goes to get ice cream. And depending on her age you don't tell her about me. Not a word. When she turns eighteen you can take her back here and Clopin can tell her about me being a gypsie. She has no escape from her father's legacy but having mine could hurt her if I am gone." Roma explained. "I have explained it all in my will." Verity nods. "Of course, I will. She doesn't need to live in fear." "Thank you, and you will abide by those rules? I know you V, I don't want to find out from the Soul Realm, that she is seven and knows everything about me when she was only three when something happened to me." Roma said giving Verity a look. "Oh, and if she has the same panic attacks as I do, you only use your method for me if nothing else works." Verity crosses her heart. "For sure. I'll do everything in my power to keep her safe." "You think she will have those attacks? We both know how I downsize how bad they are. I mean Claude made it to where I had them every day. Never before had I wished that you were there with me with your rope and those stupid sleeping pills." "I hope she doesn't," says Verity. "But if she does, I can calm her down with a simple technique. Quick and painless." She holds up two fingers on her hand. "Yeah, why did you never do that to me? Sleeping pills shoved down my throat isn't that fun Verity," Roma laughed. "Last time I checked, you're an adult, and Clara's gonna be a little baby," Verity teases. Roma rolled her eyes. "I still can't believe I am going to have a daughter. I mean me! The orphan gypsy with only the insane prince, now king of the gypsies to hang out with. Well besides you, weird power girl. But I've heard a lot of people are having children. I mean just yesterday I heard Maleficent had a son. And Clopin had a boy not too long ago either." "Good news for Clopin, but bad news about Maleficent," says Verity. "I can already tell that her son is gonna be bad news." "You can say that again. You know Verity, someday we are going to wake up and I bet you Shane and Clara will be in the middle of something. I just hope it's good. God, to think all this started was because of a deal, a marriage. I'm sorry I put you through this V. I didn't want to but when we saw each other after those two years... I didn't know how to look at you. I didn't know how to look you in the eye and say I married a villain. And I did try to get a sword, multiple times but I never got close enough. I couldn't even get close to knives. Anything I could have used to fight my way out was stripped from me." Roma said. "If there is one thing I am doing with Clara is teaching her how to fight and use a weapon. You should teach Shane to defend himself too. Who knows what your husband will try to do when Shane is older." Roma picked up an old sword of hers on the ground. "I haven't seen this in five years." "I don't mind sparring. But I'm gonna have to wait until I learn how to communicate with the souls of the dead. Shane's gonna need his Nana to watch him," says Verity. "And I agree. I hope Shane and Clara both end up being good people." She smiles. Roma looked around the house. "I didn't know Claude was keeping the boy, Quasimodo at the church or that he was trying to take Esmeralda as he did to me. Though I doubt he would have kept her alive. He had me and soon to be Clara. He manipulated me so much that even when I fought him, I was submitting to him. Don't get me wrong, I hated him, cared none for him but there were times I probably could have left but I didn't. Before I was pregnant. Why didn't I leave Verity?" "I don't know for sure, Roma. Maybe because in spite of all that he's put you through, you still love him somehow," says Verity. "It's very unlikely, but it's not something to rule out." "I never loved that man Verity. I only married him to try and escape. I was trying to find a way to you but every time I was caught. And I got punished until one day, I just stopped. I couldn't take it anymore. I hated him in silence and I stopped running. I pushed you away and I became what Claude said was my true self. Like I didn't know who my true self was." Roma said rolling his eyes. "Do you think there was something inside of me telling me to wait? Maybe the universe trying to make sure Clara came into this world? I don't know. With all this voodoo, magic, and stuff I just stopped trying to figure it out." Verity looks down. "Maybe. I can't exactly answer that, either," she says. "Some things just become clearer with time." She places a hard on Roma's shoulder. "What did you do in those first two years? You never found me but I know you knew I was missing. If you didn't find out on your own, Clopin would have reached out." Roma asked giving a smile. "I decided to focus on myself. I trusted that everything would work out for the best. I just didn't want to be a part of your... problems until things were easier for me," says Verity. "I'm sorry if that sounds selfish, but I have my own life separate from yours, Roma. And ut just felt like yours was slowly dominating mine." "I get that, I mean you had your own husband to worry about. I'm just happy you came when I needed you now." Roma said smiling. "Aww, I've missed you so much, Roma!" Verity shouts. She hugs Roma tightly. "Pregnant, Verity, don't squish the baby," Roma laughed. Verity releases Roma. "Oh! Sorry!" she says awkwardly. Roma laughed. She got up and passed something to Verity. "Thought you might enjoy it. Some voodoo book or something. Found it in Claude's library. Has something about sacrificing and bringing someone back to life. Didn't want his guards around it so if you don't want it, at least take it out of France." Verity takes it with a puzzled look on her face. "Okay. Don't really know if I'll be able to get through every single thing in here, but thanks." "Hey, it's better you have it. I don't trust anyone else with something that big." Roma said. "You hungry? I got some things I can make quickly." "Sure! I know that you can't give me any delicious beignets, but as long as you feed me something, I'll eat it!" says Verity. Roma smiled and made some sandwiches. "It's nothing special but it's something." Roma sat back down, "So, how is Shane? And his powers?" "Roma, he's only a year old," says Verity. "Tell you the truth, I'm shocked that he's already able to phase into a shadow. Little dude is full of surprises!" "He is yours and Facilier's kid. I just hope he and Clara get along. Hopefully she doesn't get her father's temper." Roma said. Verity laughs. "You and me both, Ro!" "How much do you think she will be like him? I hate to say it but  I can't take another Claude Frollo, V," Roma sighed. "As long as you're taking care of her, she'll be exactly like you!" Verity assures. Roma bit her lip, "And if I don't? Verity, this is probably my hormones talking, but I have a bad feeling when I think of Clara. You were pregnant, is this normal?" Verity squints her eyes. "Roma, you're kinda killing my appetite," she says. "But I guess it's normal. To reiterate, some things become clearer with time." "I am sorry, I guess I just feel weird having Claude's kid," Roma said. "I bet Rapunzel didn't get nervous when she was having Zelda," Verity jokes. Roma rolled her eyes. "You try living in that mansion with him for five years. You'd feel weird too! Especially when you are a gypsy and he is a gypsy's enemy." "True, true," says Verity. "I don't blame you for being nervous. But Claude is gone. And I'll take care of her if something happens to you." "Thanks, Verity. God, I am such a paranoid." Roma laughed. "But with good reason," says Verity. Roma nodded. "So, when can I meet your son?" "I'll be sure to bring him next time," says Verity. "I know he'll be excited to meet you!" "You're a good mother Verity, I still think it's impressive that you have been able to protect him from Facilier and The Friends," Roma said putting some of her wavy brown hair behind her ear. Verity chuckles and says, "Yeah, so am I. Facilier is one thing, but the Friends? I don't know how I've avoided them for so long." "Probably too busy with Facilier. It's after Facilier can't give them what they want when you really have to worry about them. I don't know what I can do but I'll help as much as I can. I've thrown enough stuff on you, it's about time you threw something on me," Roma said. "Also, I haven't got to spar you in five years. As soon as I have this baby and I heal up, you better believe we are doing this! I need to keep my winning streak." Roma had a wide grin. Verity smirks. "You're on! But I have to go back and take care of Shane. He'll be awake any moment now," says Verity. "Alright, well go ahead and go. Tell your mom I said hi," Roma said. "I'll call when Clara is coming if you aren't here already. If anyone is going to be there during birth, it is going to be you." Verity summons a portal to Los Angeles. "Well, I'm really the only person you can turn to," she says. "See you next time!" She walks through the portal. 

   "Ah, I miss those days," says Verity, reminiscing. Verity and Shane open their eyes. "That was a sweet story and all, but how is that supposed to help me?" Shane asks. Verity gets uo from the rug and asks, "Was it supposed to help you?" Shane gets up and grabs a beignet. "Yes! That's why I came here. I need help," Shane says. "Oh. Sorry, Shane. Guess I just got lost in the story myself," says Verity. Shane takes a bite out of the beignet. "Know what? That's fine. You and Roma managed to reclaim your friendship even after she married Frollo," he says with his mouth full. He licks his lips. "Seriously, you might have to send this recipe to Tiana, and the two of you can create some incredible beignets!" Verity chuckles and hugs Shane. "You're a good man, Shane. Don't ever forget that. If you need to take some time away from Clara, that's okay," says Verity. She remembers the book that Roma gave her. "Hold on! I need to get something!" she exclaims. She reaches under the couch and pulls out a few sheets of paper. "What's that, Mom?" Shane asks. "That book I gave you when you moved to New Orleans. It was missing the last few pages," says Verity. "Yeah, I've always wondered why." Verity hands the pages to Shane. "I took them out. I had to wait until I knew you were ready before I could give them to you. They should help you," she says.

   Shane examines the pages closely. "Mom?" "Yeah?" "It's all blurry. I can't read a thing. Well, except for the title, 'Freeing Souls from the Soul Realm'. How's this supposed to help me?" Verity smiles. "Remember what I told Roma in the story?" she asks. Shane is visibly confused. "What? 'Some things become clearer with time'? I really don't see how-" He then realizes. "Oh. Oh! So I either have to wait a bit longer or just hold these pages in front of a clock or something. Probably the former, though," he says. "Bingo! And, luckily, you don't have that long to wait!" says Verity. Shane looks at the pages. The words are already becoming clearer. "Sweet! Thanks, Mom!" says Shane. He grabs the plate of beignets. "I'm sorry, Mom. These are too good!" he says, running out the door. Verity closes the front door and laughs. "You raised a good one, Verity. You raised a good one," she says. "Wait, he took one of my good plates!"

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