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Ello everyone! I wanted to say (just in case you haven't been reading the announcements) that MDSSF will be back! It's technically not on HIATUS nor is it technically discontinued. In fact let me explain.

MDSSF, will actually continue. In fact I plan on releasing the last chapters in one day! Here's the thing though. You won't see them until December. Yes, that's right December. I don't know how many of you will actually return to read these chapters all in one day, or on separate days, but I do hope you all hang on tight! 

On another note. 

I will say that the next book ya'll wanted will come out either next year starting January, or the start of summer. I only just started Sophomore year August, so schools right on my schedule at the moment. However, doesn't mean I can't work on chapters after school. But, the schedule for posting might have to change, and debate will later be 'polled' for the third book. It just depends on how far I can continue the story. 

That's all I have to say for now, but please. Ask questions! It doesn't matter what they are, but I will be willing to answer them when I can! But for now...

Shara out!

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