Brother Satan(really short)

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Matt starts noticing things Wade does to Peter, & tries to stop it

"Logan? what are you doing here?"

"Grrr. I told you not to call me that you idiot! Anyway I'm here to take you guys back to the tower. The old man is back, & wants to talk to you shit heads. Hurry up. I have my own ride there, & I saw your car back there. Be back at that tower in  10, or I'll have your heads when I get yelled at." Logan yells. That's when he walks away leaving the three all behind confused.


I'm, so confused."Wade. Who's he? Is he a friend of yours?" I ask as we begin walking back towards the car in the opposite direction. Wade shakes his head annoyed.

"Ah..I know him. He knows me. Friends however? pshhh! He kept slicing my head off every time I tried to talk to him! A simple be quiet would've worked thanks! Anyway. We've been on missions with each other here, & there, but we're not even close to the word friends." Wade explains as we walk around a few crates. I nod as we continue walking in silence.


It's a slow drive back to the tower only a half an hour late as the boys were already tired half way there.

"Come on Pete. You gotta wake up. We'll talk to the Avengers, & Nick before we leave, & then you can sleep." Wade says slowly shaking Peter awake as he had already fallen asleep.As Wade kept trying he failed to realize a certain Big Brother Satan was 'watching.'


He better not screw anything else up, or he'll have to deal with me...

Sigh...I shouldn't be so protective. Wade's been doing well, so far, & even said he'll go on another date with Peter to fix things..

Although, he might get Peter into doing something horrible! Gasp! He might get him to have sex! But, he's under aged! That's not right at all!

Unless..they're just going to have a normal date..maybe stay at the cafe this time, go watch the sunset at god knows where, maybe the tower? Hm..maybe go swimming? It is getting hot out fairly quick..

Wait, but swimming includes taking clothes off to wear less clothes!

Oh calm down!..I keep forgetting Peter doesn't show anything, but legs in public when swimming..I could remember last time before they started dating, Wade had dared us to jump into a 53 degree pool in the middle of winter...I still need to come up with a dare for him when we play that game again...

I'm getting off track!

Maybe I should just watch them, make sure he doesn't do anything rash while being with Peter..I also gotta make sure he doesn't cheat on him either...Now that deserves him to be dropped in a tub of acid...unless he could survive it?...Hm.

"Matt. Matt? SATAN! We're here! Open the doors! We're as late as is!" I hear Wade yell. Listening for anything I could here one of the Avengers, Natasha walking towards us. "Where's Peter?" I ask knowing the Black widow was far enough. Wade yawns, but answer," Ah..he's on my back. He wouldn't wake up, & I already threatened him with dragging him inside. Webbed my face by the way, but other wise he's just on my back. Asleep." I nod. Nothing too bad.


"Anyway, let's talk about why we're here at the tower midnight. I'e called you all here to ta;l about a team I'm planning for Spider-Man to be the leader of." A voice says..Wait is that-that pirate dude?

"Leader of? Why would he be the leader? doesn't this team already have one?" Wade asks. "Used to. She's second in command in sorts. Look we've talked about this before. It wasn't that long ago." Tony says. I could feel Wade rolling his eyes.

"Two years ago don't count. I remember you-Furry. Actually wanting me on they're team. I denied though, because of how they act. Funny enough I know, but even I have my own limits." Wade declares. "Anyway, what makes you think Spidey's willing to handle a group of kids ol-arou-kids?" Wade quickly corrects himself.


That's when I wake up.

"Yawn! Off..hey guys...what did I miss?" I ask noticing I was on a couch. Moving myself to sit up Dr. Banner answers for everyone." our director wanted you to be apart of a team he has back at base." I nod.

"Huh a team huh?...So, am I joining this team, so that you could watch me? Wait for me to get close enough to them to take my mask off? Well I gotta say Fury I'm gonna have to decline that offer." I say standing up to actually stretch my body. He rolls his eyes..eye.

"I thought you would say that. I was planning on sending you on a mission with them to see if you'd like your new team, being leader n' all. It won't be soon, but this mission will happen..When it's a low level mission for these atleast.." Fury whispers the last part. Though my super can hear it.

"Look. Sure I'll go on a mission, but if I don't like them then I'm not joining. I know your still trying to get me on with the Avengers, but I'd feel more trapped then welcome not being able to go out n' all. & you've only made this suggestion to join this team to almost trap me for the same reason." I breathe in slightly annoyed. "Nick. When are you going to get it in that thick skull of yours that I'm not-don't want to ever reveal my identity? Why do you think I'e never shown my face in public? Sure other bad people would cover they're face from public, but it's mostly for bad reason." I start pacing around." I...kept, but still keep my face hidden to protect those I love. I have major villains-psshh yea hard to believe-that are out for my blood. They'll attack anyone who relates to me-anyone who even speaks to me, if I started wearing my face in public."

I sigh turning to face Fury.

*Sorry about these chapters guys. I'm trying my best at making these chapter, but for the next chapters they won't be too long, or too short. I'm working with what I planned out without giving away too much, so please try to work with me!*

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