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"How are we on tracking the symptoms on him? Good results I hope."

"Y-yes sir! Results have came in over a week ago! U-uh virus 06-23|6 is running throughout the system! In fact he should start showing signs of the effects no later than today sir!"

"Good..Good. Pull up the cameras around the tower. I have a feeling he'll be there soon.."

"Yes sir!"



"Why are we going back to the tower again guys? Sure we haven't been there in a week, but I was hoping to have more free time!" Wade yells as Matt drives us down the streets towards the tower.

"We're going back, because Mr. Stark, and Dr. Banner might've found what's running crazy in my body. I'm sure we won't be long..unless somethings wrong." I say, as he looks out the window.

"I'm sure nothing wrong will happen. These people could've put something in your blood to make you extremely sick? Put you out of work for a bit, so they can cause havick like the rest of em." Matt assures. I roll my eyes underneath my mask.

"Hardly doubt it. Most, and if not all of my enemies go out to kill me. They wouldn't want to waste time on making me sick, so that they could run the world. It's better to get rid of the competition than work with it." I say, as Matt comes to a stop. We all hop out of the car, & make our way towards the tower.

"Now that I think of it. Do you think their base, or hide out is near by? We may never know if they've put a tracker in you, or somethin." Wade suggests. I think for a bit. "Well your not wrong..we wouldn't know unless there was..some sort of ungodly sign." I say waving my hand in a circle. He nods.

I can't forget what happened..UGH! I just saw his face for the first time in a long one, & I just had to say he looked handsome didn't I?!

Peter Flashback~


"I-I mean yea! Wait-no! Wait-Ye-I ugh!" I shove my face into my hands, my face burning bright red.

"Oh wow..I..I have nothing to say honestly." Wade says hand behind his neck, & face facing towards the ground, cheeks glowing a soft shade of pink.

"I-I'm sorry! I-uh-I wasn't think straight!" I try to explain. He chuckles.

"Oh come on baby boy~ I'm sure you meant it~ Like I am pretty handsome aren't I~?" He flirts.

"Ack! S-stop! Wade! UGGGH!" I pull my knees up to my face, feeling like I'm about to die.

He laughs out loudly.

"Oh come on! I was joking! Plus if I'm handsome then you might as well be cute! Sexy even!" He says wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I sink further into my knees.

"Waaaaade! Please!" I beg. Then all of a sudden he moves away. Confused I look up from my knees to see he's move directly in front of me. Noses only inches apart. I could see every feature of his face. His strong jaw, his hooked-button nose, sharp, but round eyes...his that I could see them up close were actually a pale ocean blue..& his scars..Oh how the scars made him even more perfect than he already was..

Although, before I knew it..


Why did I do it.

{Because, it was our chance at getting closer to him.}

BUT I didn't even some anything afterwards! I just did it, & then left the room! He probably doesn't even know how I really feel!

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