Day at Home

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*Hope you guys know that whenever Peter talks he's really signing in front of the Avengers, but when he's just with Matt, & Wade he's actually talking. Just wanted to make sure that was clear before people realized*


"You would think that they'd go after one of the Avengers, but nooo! They went after you!" Wade yells. It's been two days since the incident, & he's been complaining about it since we arrived home. "Wade. Calm down. Maybe they're people who have something against me? Sure most of my main villains are in custody, or they're in secret, but that doesn't mean that they're the only ones." I explain laying on the sofa. Wade comically rolls his masked eyes. "Fine. Sure. Believe what you want, but I'll only half believe you!" He yells walking to the kitchen to grab the popcorn that had finished 5 minutes ago. I smile looking in the direction he went off in.

"You love him right? I could tell from the heat building up in your body."

Shocked silence runs through the living room as Wade whistles a random song from a random game.

"W-what!? I-you-I-what!?" I was speechless. (Heh)"I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about Matt! I-I don't love him! I-I-just-I just see him as a really awesome friend! Yea, that's right!" I yell avoiding the look I was getting from him.

"SO then you see me as a really awesome friend then too~" Matt tease. I hiss at stop with a wild blush across my face.

"Stop it!" I pull the blanket; Wade brought from my room up to my face. I can't believe I'm doing this..

"Okay look! Maybe-& only maybe I have a small-tiny-lil crush on Wade. maybe!" I say aloud towards Matt's direction. He laughs! "It took you this long to come out Pete! I can't believe it! You broke like a resisting mother against an adorable child!" Matt continues to laugh.

"I got popcoooorrrrnnnn! & I brought some soda! Matt did you pick out the movies for us to binge for the rest of the day, & possible night?" Wade yells coming back around the corner from the kitchen. I continue to blush wildly under the blanket.

"Yes I have. I managed to find the Jurassic Park movie series, along with Star Wars. I sadly couldn't find that one series you liked, so much on Netflix, but these were the closest ones to it." Matt replies playing what sounds like the first Jurassic Park movie. I sigh in relief thinking Matt won't come out for me to Wade. Pulling the safety blanket down from my burning face; once the lights were off, I turn towards the screen T.V seeing the opening to the movie.



Is it just me, or is Petey watching me a little too much?


(Shut up. He's probably just noticing you wear your mask too much inside.)

{That's a lie. He would've said something about it bye now.}

(UNless. He doesn't want to make us feel uncomfortable.)

When am I not UNcomfortable not wearing my mask? HAVE you seen the people run screaming in terror from my ugly mug? Hell a child cry calling my a demon-A demon of all things, & yes I know I'm hot~enough to burn myself repetitively, but a demon just doesn't fit the description.

{Shut up.}
(Shut up.)


{Anyway, I'm sure your wrong. Can't you see the looks White? He wants the D man! Like how can you not f-}

(This is where you shut up now. I can't disagree of the fact that Peter is indeed..attractive, but he's a mire child.)

{Oh. I see your point. But, no child has an ass that plump.}

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