Meeting (RW)

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Today was more, or so a day off.

 Tony, & Bruce are working on they're science stuff while, Natasha, & Clint are on a small mission. Thor himself is still in Asgard as far as we know. Infact, I think it's about time Tony, Bruce, & the others at SHIELD made some kind of communicator for Thor, so we could talk to him while he's away. It'll be helpful for when something goes wrong, & we need as much fighting power we need. I'm surprised Toy hasn't came up with it yet..

 Anyway. I'm just about finished with training when I hear the door open from behind me. Thinking it could've been Clint, or Natasha I ignore it, & continue punching a couple bags.

"Hey. I may be loud, but that doesn't mean you should ignore we ALL the time." Realizing it was Tony who came in I roll my eyes, & grab the punching bag before turning to face him with a smile.

"Ah. Hey Tony sorry I thought you would've been Clint, or Natasha coming back from yet another mission." I say truthfully. He smiles as well, though it's more of a smirk than a smile. We both walk over to the changing room as he begins talking.

"Fury called in a while ago after we had defeated Reindeer games. He simply demanded we be at SHIELD as soon as possible. To be honest with you I really don't care. I have better things to do than listen to Period Pirate bitch left, & right." He said now laughing a bit, & falling on top of the bench. I laugh a bit too.

"Oh come on Tones. He isn't THAT bad. Plus we could all have a mission to do for today that might be fun if he wants us there soon. Sure I kinda just want to relax for today since it's going easy, but I guess when Fury calls there's really nothing we can do." I say taking off my shirt, & throwing it in the basket hanging on the wall.

"When is it ever fun Caps? Anyway we have about half an hour before we leave, so I'm go see if I can bug Brucey a little more before going up to my floor, & getting ready to be fashionably late. I'll see you when I see you! Bu-bye!" Tony says now leaving the room. Sigh. Tony was normally someone to complain about Fury's meetings, but I guess somethings making him be in a joyful mood today? Welp time go buy a few more punching bags for the week.



Walking down the streets of Manhattan I bumped into someone causing me to fall to the ground.

Slightly looking up at who ever I bumped into I see that they look familiar somehow..

"Oh! Uh sorry kid didn't see you there! Are you ok?" The guy asks wearing a black, & purple jacket with dark blue ripped jeans, & dark grey converse. Getting myself up off the ground I dust myself off, & shyly smile up at him. That's when I noticed the redhead wearing a black, & red short dress with grey leggings underneath, & a brown sunhat on her head.

Remembering that he had asked if I were ok I stare up a little bit at him, & nod my head. Then I noticed that my hands were empty, & quickly looked down to see that the 12 dozen eggs, & milk I had bought was all over the ground. I sigh, & slowly begin to pick up the egg shells, leaving the milk to go running through the cracks of the sidewalk, but still picking up the jug.

"Aw jeez. I-I'm sorry man. Hey why don't we take you to the store, & replace those things for you? Ya'know as an apology for bumping into you, & wasting money!" The guy suggests helping me take a couple of the egg shells to a trash can near by. I shake my head moving my hands around to tell him he didn't have too. He simply shakes his head, & grabs onto mine, & the redheads arms dragging us over to the market I came out of a couple minutes ago.

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