Changes of Another

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Waking up from my afternoon nap I go to check on Wade..only to find he wasn't in his room.

"Huh..weird...He's normally not gone this early until like 5? Where could he have gone this time?" I question out loud. Shaking my head I head back to my room to grab some clothes, & walk my way to the shower.

You'd think he'd be cheating right? You said it yourself that your boy toy isn't normally gone until 5. So tell me. What else could he be doing right now?

Oh shut up you. Actually. Where have you been? Not that I want you here. You haven't been, well you since you first showed up...or is that you getting bored?

You want to see bored? I'll show you bored.

Wait wha-


Getting up off the floor I stand up to rub my head. "God...I didn't think...ugh."

I didn't think you were able to take control of my body like that!? fucker I'm fucking bleeding from my god damn head!

You wanted to see bored. I showed you bored. Right now I'm enjoying myself..ya'know changing somethings about you since, well this needs to go. If I'm going to be at it once I'm done I'm going to change how you look. How you think.

How in the world are you going to do that? Sure you might've changed my DNA structure, but what else is there to change?

Anything. Now watch.


Looking towards the mirror I start to see a couple slow changes...My head wound was healing up slowly leaving nothing behind not even a scar. Then all of a sudden my hair started to go a few shades darker than normal...

"What the?...What are you doing to my hair?!" I yell, but quickly quiet down, remembering that Matt might still be home.

What? Don't like the color? I thought that brown kind of shade you had going on was old. How about this then?

Wait? No stop!

Obviously ignoring me I watch as my hair starts to turn to a lighter shade..."I-it's white? White?!" Freaking out I drop my clothes, grab my phone, & began running towards the door. Only to stop, & turn back around to grab my mask, but before putting it on I quickly debate whether, or not I should actually put the mask on. Shaking my head I swing the door open, & quickly make my way towards the Avengers tower.


You should calm down for once. Anyway, what color do you prefer? Blue, red, black, white, grey even, green, or..hmm...maybe purple? I don't know for myself, but I'll let you choose.

I swear if you change my eye color-

Alright, purple it is then! I'll think of another color when I feel like it; however, this is what I want to look like for the time being...Maybe I'll change how you look. Mission purposes of course.

No! Why can't you stop already!? I loved how I looked before!

What was that? You want to be a bit thinner? I thought we were thin enough, but it might make us go fast, so why not.

Right then, & there while pulling myself across the buildings on my web I felt the speed increase, making me slam into another building.

Hiss! Ow! God! You didn't make me thin! You practically made my bones thinner! Ahh-I think I broke my arm, & a couple of ribs!

Stop whining. Those'll heal when they heal, which is like now, so anyway I'll take the blame on that...Okay. I think you're gonna need a new costume, & pants. You need to be more curvy. The more guys that get attracted to you the more you blend in. Maybe with the hips, & thighs I'll give you-you could choke an enemy with them.

I choked on my spit.

"E-excuse me!? What? NO! That's it. I was only planning on seeing a friend of mine, because I thought you were just messing around, which I still think you are doing by the way, but now we're definitely going to the Avengers for this." I say adjusting to the speed of my swings finding the rhythm I had before.


Swinging through an open window to the Avengers common room-I think-I crash onto the floor in a panic. I raise my arms in the air.

"Help! That thing is changing how I look! & possibly how I think, & I'm not liking it!"

I saw as Natasha put away the knife she magically pulled out of the air, & went to help me stand.

"What do you mean by that thing is changing the way you look, & think?" Dr. Banner asks walking around the corner from what I could guess must be the kitchen.

Hesitating to lift me mask I pause in mild panic.

Stop being a wimp. I already changed your face to my liking. No more nerdy-fanboy face now! Just the innocent, but danger face from now on.

Slightly panicked from their words I quickly pull off my mask, & slowly breathe in to stop a panic attack.

"I..don't look like this, & I'm afraid I won't think like myself either too." I say as most of the Avengers gasped in shock.

"Holy fuck."

*Sorry about the short story. I've been out of it lately, & this is somewhat of my third day not sleeping. I'll get back to it once I'm A ok again! But for now I have a question. How would you guys feel about an Ask the MDSSF book? I've obviously been hinting at it for a while..somewhat, but it would be nice to answer some questions from you guys! Goodnight for now! Bye!*

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