Short Squad (RW)

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Arriving back at the tower Tony, & Clint start they're plan.


Once home me, & Tony head straight for the lab.

"We just got down talking about our plan, & you want to change it!..Again!" Tony yells crossing his arms, & staring me down.

I shrug.

"Ok look. Maybe we SHOULDN'T dye Nat's hair pink? You know how much she hates the color right? We'd be dead in our sleep once she notices." I explain trying to make Tony see how much of a BAD plan that was.

Tony gives me a crossed face.

"Ok, &? Its a prank. I don't really see where-oh god never mind! Never mind!" he quickly says. I nod.

"Now you see where I'm coming off from? Anyway Bruce, & Thor are kinda of the same thing...also why are we including Thor? He doesn't know what are pranks are! From what he's told us Loki surprisingly stabbing him is enough of a prank! I'm not stabbing the golden retriever." I say standing ground.

Tony rolls his eyes.

"Yea Clint I know. Anyway the plan for Cap Is still a go if the others won't work right?" he questions walking over to his desk. I follow.

I shrug.

"SO how are we gonna get Fury back?" Tony then asks putting my bow on the table to start working on it. I sit down in another chair backwards, & face him sideways.

" That's what I'm still thinking about Tones. Anyway what should we do to the others for now while we think of this later?" I answer."Well then think of something Katniss." He replies staring now my bow.

I give him a death stare.

"If we're working together your not calling me Katniss. I'm not even a fan of the Hungers Games, nor am I a women." I say crossing my arms.

Tony faked gasped."Gasp! Ok after all of this is over you, me movie night. Also how about birdbr-" I stop him by grabbing my bow, & aiming it at him.

"Want to continue Coke a Cola can?" I asked with a smirk. He raises his arms.

"Are you serious right now? Coke a Cola can? What happened to Iron-ass? Or even what Hulk uses? Tin can? But seriously a soda can?"

"I'm 3 seconds away from smacking your big ass head with my bow." I say trying to shut him up.

"Dully noted." He answers grabbing the unfinished how out of my hands. Setting it down we begin our planning.


"Alright, so it's settled then! We'll dye Natasha's hair pink, & make it washable so it's less pain in our part, make Caps clothing smaller, & uh make sure Thor can't find his hammer..somehow." Tony said going over what we came up with. I shake my head still not believing we're going through with dying Nat's hair pink.

Its quiet for a minute, or two.

"Well we can't super glue the thing down. We can't even lift it, & so you know how much of the floor I'll have to replace if we even did that?" Tony questions looking over at me as both I'm out feet were on the desk.

Shrugging I look over at him."Ya know. We don't have to prank the guy Tony. We could just hide his pop-tarts, & be done with it." I suggest. Tony stares at the floor.

"They're weak, but at least it's payback. Also I think I have an idea for Bruce, & Hulk.." I say trying to keep my face from exploding in fear. I might want to rethink that plan actually...

Tony nods, & we both go our different ways to start a nice little revenge prank since everyone is coming back soon.

Even later

Me, & Tony we're on the couch watching the Maze Runner.

"Ok look why would this guy follow Thomas into that forest just to chase him out, & attack him! Like come on-oh well never mind." Tony says crossing his arms, & staring at the screen.

I shrug."Look Tones I don't really know myself, but your gonna like the rest of the maybe you'll cry soon as well~" I taunt staring at him from the side.

He rolls his eyes scoffing."Heh. As if..oh hey guys wanna watch Maze Runner with us?" Tony asks turning to face the group of people watching us. I turn to face them as well a little surprised I didn't hear them.

"Oh hey guys." I say giving them a small joking wave.

"Hey Short Squad what'cha doin'?" Natasha taunted. I gave her a death glare, & Tony was looking back at the T.V.

" We're watching the Maze Runner if you didn't hear Nutella, since Katniss wanted to see this than Star Wars." Tony says calmly watching T.V. I nod as well as turning to face the T.V.

Then Steve, & Bruce walk off to they're rooms.Then they came running back.

" What happened to my clothes?!" Steve yelled. 

"What did you two do to my room?!" Bruce yelled.

 We only shrugged." Guys I don't know what in the world your talking about. Me, & Katniss here stayed in this area watching movies the entire time isn't that right JARVIS?" Tony asked still staring at the T.V. I look up towards the ceiling.

"Yes, sir. Both sir, & Agent Baton have been present in this room since they're trip back." JARVIS answers leaving no trace of his words being the truth, or not.

 Nodding I smack Tony in the back of his head." What did I say about calling me Katniss?" I ask turning towards him, & crossing my arms.

" Ow! Ass!" He yelled. I rolled my eyes.

"Just hope you boys didn't do anything to my stuff, or else." She threatens, walking off to her room we guess. I stare a Tony as he looks back at me. We smirk a little bit knowing that our prank would work, but knowing the fact we'd be dead too.

"Sigh I hate you am I going to clean all of that mess up in my room!" Bruce yells. Not angry, but annoyed. 



I answer pausing the movie, & looking back up at Bruce. He gives me a look of disbelief. I shrug.

"Well half of the stuff in there is going to need acid, soo.." I go to turn back to the movie when Steve spoke up.

"I can't believe you two did this, because we called you short!" He says pointing at the both of us. We shrug at the same time." The more you call us short the more pranks you have waiting for you in the future Cap." Clint says crossing his arms, & laying down with his head in my lap. I lay back more so my elbows aren't in the way.

Steve rolls his eyes, & walks away. Leaving Bruce standing there still in disbelief.

"Oh, & Brucey. I was kidding. You'll just need soap, & water then you'll be fine~" I say making sure he wouldn't be angry later after realizing he'd be getting rid of a lot of work.

Bruce sighs, smiles, & shakes his head.

"Oh thank god! I don't know what I would do if I had to do everything all over again! Sigh..just watch out for Nat. I feel like you guys are in trouble tomorrow." He says walking off to his room. 

Me, & Clint look at each other again. Oh he has no idea.

Later in the morning..




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