*feels sudden burst of energy* oh, god, I'm dying.

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Hello. Loki kisses for all of you. I'm trying to keep up a schedule, but obviously, I am failing a little bit.

Homework is a literal beast.

Sleeping is like telling the Stark family to stop drinking and having them actually follow that command.

I am still depressed, although having people call me by my preferred name almost the whole day helps because Ohmigod, euphoria loves me and fights dysphoria.

My family...oh my fucking god...they never let me have much alone time...

And my aunt keeps dumping her three obnoxious boy children at my house and they are hardly in preschool except for the eldest, who is almost in middle school and won't help with the younger two(THE STUPID BRAT). My aunt needs to stop going out on dates with her husband and using me as a babysitter whenever she feels like it(which is pretty often.)...

Sorry. I needed to rant to let out some steam.

Anyways...I'm working on the next chapter, I promise...

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