Why I Am Scared Of Friday The 13th *continued* [True Story (Requested)]

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The Night Of:

With Friday the 13th coming up, I thought I would share what happened July 13th 2018.

I woke up at 3 am on the morning of July 13th, 2018. I do not normally wake up in the middle of the night but for some reason, I did.

When I woke up I decided to go look out my window, another thing I do not normally do in the middle of the night.

I looked out my window and saw something very strange. I saw a bunch of black cats, staring at my house.

I looked for a minute and realized, it was three groups of six.

At 3 am on the morning of Friday the 13th, there were three groups of six black cats, staring at my house.

Normally I wouldn't have been too worried about this. But normally I don't wake up at 3 am and normally I don't look out my window in the middle of the night.

After about what I thought was five minutes of looking out the window, I got back in bed to try and get some more sleep. I looked at my phone to turn my music back on and my clock said it was 5 am. Alright, somehow time escaped me and now I only have about an hour left to sleep. Wonderful.

Why do I hear meowing? What time is it? Shit! It's seven. I'm going to be late.

That Day:

On my way to work, nothing out of the ordinary seemed to happen. I did see a few stray black cats running around but that's all. When I got to work, about 7:50, I told my coworker what had happened that night. I don't if she believed me or not but she did seem pretty spooked.

At around 9 we took the kids outside to run around. They were having so much fun when one little girl stopped in her tracks and started screaming. I couldn't see what she was looking at from where I was so I got up and ran towards her. When I got to where she was, I saw what had made her scream. There on the playground was a dead cat. A black cat. It looked like it had been mulled by something. I told everyone to relax and told my coworker to get everyone inside and get our boss to call her husband to come get the cat. I told her I would wait outside so he would know where it was. It was kind of hiding and i still could believe that this little girl had found it. While I was sitting outside waiting, I heard more meowing. I also heard a voice say what sounded like "you're next".

About ten minutes later, the guy showed up to get the dead cat. We talked about the night before and what happened and why I was so freaked out about it.

Did I have something to do with the dead cat? Was it one of the ones I saw last night? What the hell happened to this poor cat?

He collected the cat and said goodbye. I went inside to find a bunch of five year olds crying about the dead cat. I had to explain to them that sometimes things like this happen. Yeah it is sad, but they happen. I assured them that it wont happen here again. We found out that the cat got in through a hole in the fence and we made sure it got fixed.

After that, nothing strange happened. At least until...

After Work:

When I got home from work I ran and got a shower. I had been with babies that afternoon and got puke in my hair. When I got out of the shower I heard more meowing. I had never heard this much meowing in one day. I looked out the window and didn't see anything. Okay, my mind is jut playing tricks on me. No big deal.

Later that night. I heard it again. I looked out my bedroom window to see two groups of six and one group of five black cats walking down my driveway. I ran down the stairs and out onto the back. I quietly watched as they walked into the woods and vanished. I haven't see that many black cats altogether since. Not even last Friday.

Was the missing one the one that we found at work? If not, where did it go? Did I have something to do this somehow? If so, what? Why did they want me? What did they want with me? Was this just a figment of my imagination? Why was it so vivid if that's the case?

To this day I have so many questions about what happened that day. I guess I will never know the answer to any of them.


Posted by u/dragonsgirl99

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