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I woke up in my bed with a killer hangover, wondering what happened last night. The memories slowly came back to me, and I realized I had done it with Cameron, all the enjoyment and him kissing me came back like a hurricane, that probably explains the hickeys I guess I wasn't as drunk as I thought.

I started feeling nauseous and threw up, but luckily I made it to the bathroom. Must be my hangover I thought, I checked my phone and saw that there were 4 missed calls and 16 text messages from Aaliyah, asking where I was and how I got home, I sent her a quick text to let her know I was home and safe.

I put my phone down and went downstairs to see my mom and dad cuddling on the couch watching a movie. "Good morning Madre and Daddy," I said. "Buenos Dias (Good morning) Mi Hija (my daughter) how'd you sleep" my mother replied.

"Pretty good Mom," I replied. "Good, your dad made french toast, it's in the pan," she said "Ok, thanks Dad," I replied.

As I made my way to the kitchen I grabbed the mail from outside and read through looking for my college letter. I found the one from Stanford and Harvard and opened them.

"OH MY GOD!" I shouted. I was accepted into both of my first choice colleges, I can't wait to tell Aaliyah. My Mom and Dad Came rushing into the kitchen wondering what happened.

"Noelle what's wrong ?" they asked. "Oh, nothing I just got accepted into Stanford and Harvard with a full ride," I replied.

A few weeks later

It's been 4 weeks since the party, so far everything's been normal. Aaliyah was accepted to Yale and Stanford and things with me and Kyle were kinda awkward and he started coming to school with new bruises almost every day. As for Cameron, I didn't know what was going on with him cause I was ignoring him. It felt like he just pretended like nothing happened at the party, and considering I was more drunk than him it pissed me off.

I was in English finishing up some homework from other classes when I feeling a little nauseous, I didn't think about it much cause lunch was just next period so as the class went along, I continued to feel nauseous and lightheaded, so I asked to go to the nurse.

"Mrs. White can I go to the nurse I think I might throw up," I said. "Sure, but take your stuff just in case," she replied.

I got my and stuff and as I was leaving I saw Cameron coming from behind me, I tried to hurry but before I could to the nurse's office I felt someone tug on my backpack. I stopped knowing it was Cameron.

"Let go of me Cameron, what do you want?" I asked. " Wow, no hi Cam how are you, sorry for ignoring you," he replied. I turned around and started glaring at him and he started laughing.

"Your so cute when you're mad," he said barely able to get the words out. Cameron was so adorable when he laughed it showed off his dimples perfectly. "Whatever, I'm sorry for ignoring you i've just been busy " I replied.

"You sure?" He asked. "Yea, can I go to the nurse now?" I asked him. "Sure, feel better." He said.

I continued to walk only to receive a text from Aaliyah asking where I was, I had totally forgot we were supposed to meet up at the bathroom, I told her I was going to the nurse and that I was feeling nauseous then turned off my phone and went to the nurse office.

Later On

After my mom got me from school she went to get Chinese food for us to eat when she got back we talked about life and things with college, after a while I was feeling sleepy so I went to my bed and layed down.

I was feeling a bit better when Aaliyah asked me to go get fro-yo at the mall I asked my mom and she said yes so I went to pick her up and we made our way.

While driving, nausea hit causing me to stop at the side of Walgreens. "What's wrong boo?" she asked. "Its just nausea," I replied. "Noelle not that its important, but what happened when you went to the room with Kyle?" she asked. So I filled her on everything that had happened at the party.

"Chile, I knew yall had something for each other, well at least you used protection," she said, giving me slightly brosy cheeks. "Well...," I said. "Girrrlll how do you know he ain't got a disease, you better go get a pregnancy test," she replied. So we went inside the Walgreens and bought two just to be sure, and then went to the bathroom to take it.

When I saw the results I had tears in my eyes, I was pregnant with Cameron's baby my best friend who I've had a crush on since we were kids, what was I going to do...

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