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"I need some space," the words ran through my mind over and over again, the person I needed the most right now is the same person I hurt the most. "Cameron I'm sorry", "Can we please talk", "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier", "I'm sorry". After each attempt of trying to send the perfect text I gave up, he doesn't need to hear from me right now I need to give him the space he deserves. I put my phone down and focused on driving.

To my surprise a few minutes later I got a text from him, "Hey Noelle I'm sorry for storming out I needed to clear my mind before I said something that I would regret. Right now I'm asking that you give me some space to think things through." I read the text over and over and each time the words didn't change, he apologized even though I hurt him Cameron really had no flaws except for one, he always made me weak in knees. I was about to reply to him that I understood when suddenly I saw a car coming straight at me and then everything went black.

4 hours later
"You said she was pregnant right?" a voice was speaking but I couldn't recognize who's it was. I tried opening my eyes, tried opening my mouth but it was if somebody was forcefully keeping them shut. "You're her parents correct?" the voice spoke again, this time a voice I recognized as my mom's answered. "Yes we are, I'm her mother is everything okay?" she asked. "Ma'am your daughter is fine just minor injuries." the voice I presumed was the doctor's answered. "Sir my daughter was pregnant, is the baby okay?" my mom asked again. Just when the doctor began answering the voice's started slipping away, I fought hard to regain but something was pulling me down into the darkness and everything I had heard slipped away from me like pouring rain.

When I woke up, I was surrounded by my parents and Cameron they all had a worried expression on they're face and I knew something was off. "W-What happened?" I asked but everyone just looked at me with guilt as if they caused the accident. "Well princess, you got hit by a drunk driver but the doctors with minimal injuries." My dad finally speaking said to me. "Oh, is my baby okay?" I asked him. He was silent and didn't say anything I looked at my mom and at Cameron, nobody said anything and thats when I realized I couldn't feel anything in my stomach. "I lost the baby, didn't I?" I questioned, they nodded at me and something inside of me broke, "No no no no, I did everything right, I went to my appointments, I followed the doctor's instructions took all my vitamins, and now just like that the baby's gone?"

It couldn't be true, after everything my baby was just gone I hadn't met my child yet but I felt a connection and love towards it. "Noelle it's gonna be okay you have me and your parents and everyone else we'll support you, okay?" Cameron who hadn't said a word spoke to me, "And plus we weren't ready to be parents so maybe this is was a blessing in disguise." He was close enough for me to slap him so I did. "Get out," I said, "Get the hell out," this time I shouted. "How dare you come in here and day that kind of bullshit, my baby, our baby is dead and your talking about how this was a blessing in disguise, you disgust me." He looked surprised and as if he was waiting for me to say something else but I refused to look at him and said goodbye to my parents and walked out. I had never yelled at Cameron this way before but now something in me had changed and I will not allow him to disrespect my baby's memory. Now that he was all the tears I had been holding burst like a bomb and I just let my parents hold me like they're little girl.

Sorry for the late updates I will try to better with updating the story hope you all are enjoying.

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